Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
25-Jun-04 |
532,900 |
MX01HY000013 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
1A. Approve the National Banking and |
Issuer | |||
Securities Commission, to increase the |
minimum fixed stock capital subject to first |
paragraph of article 14.3.II Securities Market |
law, by issuing a new L series up to 180 |
million of free currency limited vote registered |
and unsubscribed shares without par value |
convertible into common shares with full vote |
rights of the B series, currently outstanding, |
after 1 year as from the date of the first |
quoutation in the stock market |
For |
For |
1B Aprove that the new L shares can be |
Issuer | |
subscribed in American Dollaras and to |
be fully paid in the moment of the subscription |
and the payment could be made in national |
currency, in the amount equivalent in Mexican |
pesos |
1C. Authorize ghe Chariman of the Board of |
Directors to i) established after the meeting the |
price of subscription per share, which will be |
disclosed as appropiate and privided by Lay |
including concerning the exercise of the |
respective prefered rights and ii) establish the |
respective amount per share related to the |
increase of the stock capital of Hylsamex, and |
the respective amounto of additional premium |
per subscription of sahres to increase the |
accountable stock of Hylsamex. |
For |
For |
1D. Approve, if the increase of capital is not fully |
Issuer | |
subscribed within 90 days after the first |
quotation in the stock exchange, the stock and |
accountable capital of Hylsamex should only |
be increased in the amount of subscriptions |
paid, and the unsubscribed shares should be |
cancelled iposo facto. |
For |
For |
2.- Ameen the Company Bylaws to reflect |
Issuer | |
the meeting resulutions, giving power to the |
Administrative council:i) to insert in Bylaws No7 |
the final total of the company capital and the |
number of series "L" shares ii) once the |
series "L shares have converted into series "B" |
shares, insert into Bylaw No 7 a clause to reflect |
the consolidation of the company shares into |
only series "B" shares. |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the minutes of the meeting |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Embotelladoras Unidas S.A de C.V |
13-May-04 |
538,300 |
MXP471341042 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the acquisition fo the stock shares of |
Issuer | |
Grupo Embotelladora Bretm S,A. de C,V |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the increase in capital through the |
Issuer | |
issue of new shares; Shares that are not subscribed |
during the preferred shareholders period will be |
offered to shareholders of Embotelladora Bret, |
contingent on the approval of agenda Resolution 1 |
For |
For |
3.-Elect the Administrative Council and Commissioners |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
4.- Elect the meeting delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Mexico S.A. de C.V |
30-apr-04 |
694,700 |
MXP370841019 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Company documents concerning |
Issuer | |
operations during FY2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the Auditors report |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the allocation of profits |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
4.- Elect the Board of directors, the Controllers, |
Issuer | |
the Executive Committee, the Audit Committee and the |
Compensation Committee |
For |
For |
5.- Approve to determine the Board's and the Controllers |
Issuer | |
remuneration. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve to designate special delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Alsea S.A. de C.V |
21-apr-04 |
463,900 |
MXP001391012 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the annual report in compliance with |
Issuer | |
Article 172 of the Commercial Companies Las |
concerning the transactions executed in th course of |
FY between 01 Jan and 31 Dec 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Declare a cash dividend |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the reports of the Planning and Finance |
Committee, Auditing Committee , and the Evaluation |
and Compensation Committee. |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the naming of the Members of the |
Issuer | |
Administrative Council, Commissioners, and other |
officers |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the salary of the Administrative Council and |
Issuer | |
the Commissioners |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the report of the Administrative Council |
Issuer | |
concerning the purchase of own shares. |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the report of the Administrative Council |
Issuer | |
concerning the Employee Stock Purchase Program |
For |
For |
8.- Approve the designation of the meeting delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Gruma SA de CV |
30-apr-04 |
98,200 |
MXP4948K1056 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Boards report in concordance with |
Issuer | |
Article 172 of the law for the FYE on 31 DEC 2003 |
including the comissioners report. |
For |
For |
2.- Receive the auditing report for the FYE on 31 Dec 2003 |
Issuer | |
in concordance of the Art 14 Bis 3 of the market value |
law and Article 16 of the Company' By laws. |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the allocation of profits and proposal of the |
Issuer | |
dividend payment |
For |
For |
4.- Approve to set the maximum amount to acquiere own |
Issuer | |
shares. |
For |
For |
5.- Elect the members of the Board, Commissioners and |
Issuer | |
their alternates, to set their compensation |
For |
For |
6.- Approve to designate the members of the Auditing |
Issuer | |
Committee and establish their remuneration |
For |
For |
7.- Approve to designate the specials delegate to carry out |
Issuer | |
the metting' resolutions. |
For |
For |
8.- Approve the meeting' minute |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SA de CV |
19-apr-04 |
821,000 |
MX01GC2M0006 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receive the Board of Directors' report |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
2.- Receive the Commissioners' repor |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the reporto fo the Board of Directors for the |
Issuer | |
FY between 01 JAN and 31 DEC 2003 |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the activities of the Board of Directors and |
Issuer | |
respective Company's employees for the same year |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the earnings for the FY between 01 Jan 2003 |
Issuer | |
and 31 DEC 2003 and the payment of a dividend up to |
the net amounto of MXN 0.25528, national currency per |
share. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the maximum amounto of resources that may |
Issuer | |
be used to purchase own shares. |
For |
For |
7.- Grant the destination to the members to compose |
Issuer | |
the Auditors Committee for the Board of Directors |
For |
For |
8.- Approve the designate the members to compose the |
Issuer | |
Board of Directors and the Company's Commissioners |
and to set their respective compensation. |
For |
For |
9.- Approve the minute of the meeting |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Financiero Banorte S.A de C.V |
21-apr-04 |
267,200 |
MXP370711014 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.-Approve to incorporate the Generali Mexico Cia |
Issuer | |
de Seguros and a limited liability financial Company, |
as a financially controlled Companies, amend the |
Article 02 of the Company Bylaws and grant authorization |
to subscribe the single agreement of liabilities. |
For |
For |
2.- Elect the delegate or delegates to execute and |
Issuer | |
formalize the resolutions adopted by the meeting |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the minutes of the meeting |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Financiero Banorte S.A de C.V |
21-apr-04 |
267,200 |
MXP370711014 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receiv the Board of Directors' report in compliance |
Issuer | |
with Article 172 of the Commercial Companies Law |
for the FYE on 31 DEC 2003, Commissioners' report |
and the Auditors Committee' report |
For |
For |
2.- Approve how to apply the earnings. |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Elect the members to compose the Board of Directors |
and Company' Commissioners |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the compensation for the Directors and |
Issuer | |
Company's Commissioners |
For |
For |
5.- Receive the Board of Directors' report concerning |
Issuer | |
the transactions executed with own shares for the |
FY 2003 and set the maximum amount of resources |
that may be used to purchase own shares of the FY2004 |
For |
For |
6.- Elect the delegate or delegates to, where, appropriate |
Issuer | |
execute and formalize the resolutions adopted by the |
meeting |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the minutes of the meeting |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Embotelladoras Arca SA de CV |
19-apr-04 |
133,000 |
MX10AR2E0007 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Board of Directors report, including the |
Issuer | |
financial statements for the FY2003, in compliance with |
the resolutions provided by the Article 172 of the |
Commercial Companies Law |
For |
For |
2.- Declare a cash dividend of MXN 0.70 per share |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the establishment of a maximum amount |
Issuer | |
to acquiere own shares. |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the designation of the Members of the Board |
Issuer | |
of Directors, the controllers and theri wages |
For |
For |
5.- Approve to designate the auditing, assessment, |
Issuer | |
compensation, planning and finance Committees |
For |
For |
6.- Approve to designate the delegates. |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the minutes of the metting. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Sare Holdings S.A de CV |
28-apr-04 |
3,451,100 |
MX01SA030007 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receive the Board's report in concordance with |
Issuer | |
Art 172 of the Law including financial statements and |
Commissioners report for FYE 31 DEC 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the allocation of profits. |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve to establish the maximum amount to |
Issuer | |
acquire own shares. |
For |
For |
4.- Receive the Auditing Committee report |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
5.- Ratify the Members of the Board's, Secretary, |
Issuer | |
Commissioners and Alternates |
For |
For |
6.- Approve to designate or ratify the Member of the |
Issuer | |
Company' Committee. |
For |
For |
7.- Approve to establish the Boards, Commissioners |
Issuer | |
and thier Alternates compensation |
For |
For |
8.- Authorized the delegates to carry out meeting |
Issuer | |
resolutions. |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Industrial Saltillo SA |
30-apr-04 |
32,500 |
MX01GI000006 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receive and approve the Board of Directors report |
Issuer | |
concerning all transactions executed by the Company |
for the FYE on 31 DEC 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the allocation of profits |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the cash dividend payment of MXN 0.72 |
per share. |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the report concerning the policies that rules |
Issuer | |
the Company and all transactions executed by the |
Company and to establish MXN 250,000,000.00 |
as the maximum amount of resources that designated |
to acquire own shares. |
For |
For |
5.- Elect the Members of the Board of Directors, |
Issuer | |
Auditors Committee, Commissioner and the persons |
that will take the office as Chairman and Secretary |
for said bodies. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the remuneration for the Members of the |
Issuer | |
Board of Directors, Auditors Committee and the |
Commissioner. |
For |
For |
7.- Elect the delegates to execute and formalise the |
Issuer | |
resolutions adopted by the meeting |
For |
For |
8.- Amend the several Articles of the Company Bylaws |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
9.- Elect delegates to execute and formalise the |
resolutions adopted by the meeting |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
TV Azteca SA de CV |
08-apr-04 |
1,380,200 |
MXP740471117 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Company documents kept concerning |
Issuer | |
operations held in FY 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Receive the presentation by the Company |
Issuer | |
Commissioners concerning FY2003 |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the financial statements and general ledger |
Issuer | |
for FY2003 |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the allocation of profits from FY2003 |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the payment of a dividend of MXN 0.00707 |
Issuer | |
per "DA" share held and a dividend of MXN 0.00707 |
per "DL" share held |
For |
For |
6.- Approve to reduce the Company capital by way of a |
Issuer | |
cash reimbursement to shareholders. |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the Company policy concerning the buying |
Issuer | |
of own shares, and the determination of the maximum |
amount of money to be usee to purchase own shares. |
For |
For |
8.- Elect the members of the Administrative Council, |
Issuer | |
as well the Secretary, and Commissioners |
For |
For |
9.- Approve to determine the wages for the Counselors, |
Issuer | |
Secretary, and Commissioners of the Company |
For |
For |
10.- Other matters. |
For |
For |
11.- Aprove the designation of the delegates of the |
Issuer | |
meeting |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Corporacion GEO SA de CV |
21-apr-04 |
186,800 |
MXP3142C1177 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receive the Boards report and the auditing |
Issuer | |
committe report for the FYE 31 DEC 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Approve and modify the Company's financial |
Issuer | |
statements |
For |
For |
3.- Ratify the Boards performance. |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the allocation of profits |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
5.- Ratify the Members of the Board, the secretary, |
Issuer | |
and the Commissioners. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the settlement of the Boards, Secretary |
Issuer | |
and Commissioners remuneration. |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the maximum amount to acquire own shares |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
8.- Approve the designation of special delegates to |
Issuer | |
carry out the meetings resolutions |
For |
For |
9.- Approve the minutes of the meeting |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Modelo |
19-apr-04 |
499,400 |
MXP4833F1044 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Amend the By-laws of the entities to comply with |
Issuer | |
the current legislation |
For |
For |
2.- Approve to inform of the Adminstration Board as of |
Issuer | |
31 DEC 2003 including the financial statements, the |
commissar's statement and the Auditor's Committee |
report. |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the application of earnings |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the compensation of the Memebers of the |
Issuer | |
Board and others Officials. |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the naming or ratification of the Members |
Issuer | |
of the board as well as the other Officials. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the designation of the Memebers of the |
Issuer | |
Executive Committee |
For |
For |
7.- Approve the desgination of the Delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Telefonos de Mexico S.A. de C.V |
29-apr-04 |
234,800 |
MXP904131325 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Elect the Counselors for shares type "L" |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
2.- Elect the Special Delegates to carry out the |
Issuer | |
meeting resolutions. |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Industrias ICH |
30-apr-04 |
184,800 |
MXP524131127 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Boards of Directors' report for the FYE |
Issuer | |
31 DEC 2003, the Commissioner's report, de Auditors |
Committee's report and the related resolutions of the |
Board's performance. |
For |
For |
2.- Approve to apply the earnings and set the amount of |
Issuer | |
resources to acquire own shares. |
For |
For |
3.- Approve to desginate the Members of the Boards, |
Issuer | |
Controllers, Executive Committee and the Auditing |
Committee and set their compensations. |
For |
For |
4.- Authorized the designates to execute and formalized |
Issuer | |
the resolutions adopted by the meeting |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Telefonos de Mexico S.A de C.V |
21-apr-04 |
234,800 |
MXP904131325 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the administration Board including the |
Issuer | |
Commissar and the financial statements of the entity |
as of 31 DEC 2003 |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the application of earnings and declare a cash |
Issuer | |
dividend for MXN 0.68 per share paid in 4 equal exhibitions |
of MXN 0.17 per share and the payment dates are: |
18 Jun 2004; 17 Sep 2004; 16 Dec 2004 and 17 Mar 2003 |
For |
For |
3.- Ratify the exercise of activities carried out by the |
Issuer | |
Administration Board as a result of one of the resolutions |
approved in the meeting held on 12 NOV 2003 |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the designation and ratification of the |
Issuer | |
Members of the Board as well as other officials |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the designation of special delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Grupo Televisa S.A |
16-apr-04 |
612,300 |
MXP4987V1378 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Administration Board's inform for the |
Issuer | |
year 2003 and the financial statements of the Entity |
as of 31 DEC 2003 and the presentation of the |
Commissar. |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the presentation of the Auditor's Committee |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the application of earnings and declare a |
dividend of MXN 3,850,000,000.00 for all outstanding |
shares. |
For |
For |
4.- Approve to determine the maximum amount to be |
Issuer | |
used to repurchase shares. |
For |
For |
5.- Receive the presentation on the policies and |
Issuer | |
procedures followed on the repurchase of shares. |
For |
For |
6.- Receive the presentation on the long term retention |
Issuer | |
plan. |
For |
For |
7.- Ratify the Members of the Board as well as other |
Issuer | |
Officials. |
For |
For |
8.- Ratify the Members of the Executive Board |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
9.- Ratify the Members of the Auditing Committee. |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
10.- Approve to determine the compensation of the |
Issuer | |
officials elected in the previous points |
For |
For |
11.- Approve the designation of the delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Telefonos de Mexico S.A de C.V |
20-Feb-04 |
869,900 |
MXP904131325 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the proposal to increase the reserver |
Issuer | |
to repurchase shares by MXN 12,000 million |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the designation of special delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Consorcio ARA SA de CV |
22-Apr-04 |
288,100 |
MXP001161019 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Receive the annual inform of the Board, the financial |
Issuer | |
statement as of 31 DEC 2003 and the Commissioner's |
inform |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the resolution on application of results |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Approve the Auditors annual report |
For |
For |
4.- Ratify or designate the Members of the Board |
Issuer | |
including Advisors and other officials from other |
Committees. |
For |
For |
5.- Approve the resolution on the amount that can be |
Issuer | |
designated to repurchase shares according to current |
legislation. |
For |
For |
6.- Approve the desgination of special delegates. |
Issuer | |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
America Telecom S,A. de C,V |
27-Apr-04 |
761,800 |
MX01AM060000 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve the Board of Director's report for the FYE |
Issuer | |
31 DEC 2003, in compliance with ART 172 of the |
Commercial Companies Law, including the financial |
statements and gthe Commissioner's report and the |
Auditors Committee's report, and the report concerning |
the Company's subsidiares, including the application |
of the earnings |
For |
For |
2.- Approve to the Management of the Board of Directors |
Issuer | |
for the FY2003 and to designate members to compose |
the Board of Directors, and to designate the Company's |
Commissioners, senior and respective alternate and to |
set their respective compensation. |
For |
For |
3.- Approve to designate the memebers to compose |
Issuer | |
the Company's Committees, and to set their respective |
compensation. |
For |
For |
4.- Approve the maximum amount of resources used to |
Issuer | |
purchase own shares for the FY2004 and the general |
resolutions related to the purchase of own shares. |
For |
For |
5.- Approve to designate delegates to execute the |
Issuer | |
resolutions adopted by the meeting and to formalized |
resolutions. |
Name of Fund:(1) |
The Mexico Equity and Income Fund |
Period: |
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 |
Company Name |
Meeting Date |
Shares Voted |
CUSIP(2) |
Ticker (2) |
Industrias Penoles S.A de C.V |
14-Apr-04 |
56,400 |
MXP554091415 |
Vote (3) |
MRV (4) |
Proposal (5) |
Proposed by Issuer or Security Holder (6) | |
For |
For |
1.- Approve and modify the Company's report for FYE |
Issuer | |
on 31 DEC 2003 in concordance with Art 172 of the law |
including financial statements and Audited report. |
For |
For |
2.- Approve the allocation of the profits |
Issuer | |
For |
For |
3.- Elect the members of the Board, the Executive |
Issuer | |
Commitee and also set their remunaration |
For |
For |
4.- Approve to designate the Controllers and set their |
Issuer | |
compensation. |
For |
For |
5.- Apprvoe to desginate the delegates. |
Issuer | |