Kep Kepner’s new book titled “Your Brain Is Your Best Business Weapon” Kindle version is on special flash sale this week only.
Kep Kepner is an author, CPA, and founder of MindSmarts. Kep was recently interviewed on the Morning Blend.
When asked about his book title, Kep said, “So many people ask what I am doing talking about brain health because I’m a CPA; that doesn’t sound normal. But I’ve coached over 1,000 business owners in my career, and I find that many of them become stuck in their business, almost trapped. I’ve looked for a solution for years, and it really has to do with the brain. If you learn to use your brain better, you’ll make better business decisions. You’ll end up with more prosperity in your business and greater wealth.”
When asked what using your brain differently meant, Kep explained, “I partnered with the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas. They have over 600 clinical studies from over 100 neuroscientists that prove that if you use your brain differently, you get brain growth and change your business decisions. The system uses certain protocols they’ve developed regarding strategic attention, integrated reasoning, and innovative thinking. And the beauty of this is that you’re thinking about these things as a business owner anyway. So it’s a matter of thinking differently and using those protocols. It’s actually very simple. But you get much better results.”
Kep described his venture called MindSmarts by saying, “MindSmarts is a collaboration between the Center for BrainHealth and Kepner CPA. By combining both of these pieces of information, the technology from the Center for BrainHealth, and our business acumen that has come from coaching over 1,000 business owners, we create something that we can offer to companies. They can be coached through MindSmarts on how to use those brain performance protocols and deal with questions such as: How do I price my product? How should I market? I’ve got cash flow problems; how can I solve those?”
When explaining the biggest brain myth, Kep said, “The biggest myth is that people think the brain is fixed. You may recall that back in grade school, taking an IQ test. When I did, I thought, ‘Okay, that’s my IQ forever.’ But brain plasticity is the term; your brain constantly changes, for better or worse. So if you use these protocols, it’ll change for the better.”
When asked what people will discover by reading his book, Kep shared, “They’re going to gain some understanding that you can’t be an expert in everything in this complicated world. What you can be is an expert in using your best weapon — your brain, as you think through business issues and solve them.”
About Kep Kepner
Kep is the founder and namesake managing partner of KepnerCPA and the founder of MindSmarts.com. Through his own experiences and those of his many clients, Kep has identified the factors that separate highly successful companies from also-rans. He has defined those strategic factors in two books and regularly consults with his clients to help them grow and prosper.
No, he doesn’t read the tax code every night but deals with it daily. He knows that the best tax strategy is to make money, a lot of it. For a business owner to become prosperous, they have to think differently. A thought precedes every action, so learning to use your brain to think differently and more wisely will result in better decisions and growth in prosperity and wealth for business owners who use MindSmarts.
The Kindle version of “Your Brain Is Your Biggest Business Weapon” will be on a special flash sale starting Thursday, February 23, 2023.
To purchase the Kindle version on flash sale, visit: