As filed with the Securities and Exchange
                         Commission on November 2, 2001

                            PROXY STATEMENT PURSUANT
                       TO SECTION 14(A) OF THE SECURITIES
                      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. )

Filed by the Registrant /x/       Filed by a party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box:

/  /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
/ X /  Definitive Proxy Statement
/  /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12
/  /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/  /  Definitive Additional Materials


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

/x/ No fee required.
/ / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined.):


(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


(5)  Total fee paid:


/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:


/ /  Check  box if  any part of the fee  is offset as provided  by Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:


(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


(3)  Filing Party:


(4)  Date Filed:


                         615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor
                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

                         To Be Held On November 27, 2001

     Notice is  hereby  given  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of The Mexico Equity and Income Fund,  Inc. (the "Fund"),  a Maryland
corporation,  will be held at the  offices of Spitzer & Feldman  P.C.,  405 Park
Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10022 on November 27, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.,
for the following purposes:

1.   To elect one Class I Director  to hold  office  until the year 2002  Annual
     Meeting,  two Class II  Directors to hold office until the year 2003 Annual
     Meeting,  and one Class III  Director  to hold  office  until the year 2004
     Annual Meeting (Proposal 1);

2.   To approve an amendment to the investment  advisory  agreement between Acci
     Worldwide,  S.A. de C.V. (the "Investment Adviser" or "Acci Worldwide") and
     the Fund which would increase the annual fee paid to the Investment Adviser
     by the Fund (Proposal 2);

3.   To consider and act upon a proposal to pursue the creation and registration
     of put warrants which are designed to afford stockholders an opportunity to
     realize net asset value for their shares (Proposal 3); and

4.   To consider and vote upon such other  matters as may  properly  come before
     said Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on November 1, 2001
as the record date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at this Meeting or any adjournment thereof. The stock transfer books
will not be closed.

     Copies of the Fund's most recent annual report and  semi-annual  report may
be ordered free of charge to any  stockholder by writing to the Fund c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund Services, LLC, 615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor, Milwaukee,  Wisconsin
53202, or by telephone at (800) 637-7549.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                        Andrew P. Chica
Dated:   November 9, 2001               Secretary

Unless you expect to be present at the meeting,  please fill in, date,  sign and
mail the  enclosed  proxy  card in the  enclosed  reply  envelope.  Your  prompt
response will assure a quorum at the Meeting.


     The following general rules for signing proxy cards may be of assistance to
you and avoid the time and expense to the Fund involved in validating  your vote
if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

1.   Individual  Accounts:   Sign  your  name  exactly  as  it  appears  in  the
     registration on the proxy card.

2.   Joint  Accounts:  Either party may sign,  but the name of the party signing
     should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.

3.   Other  Accounts:  The  capacity  of the  individual  signing the proxy card
     should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For


Corporate Accounts                               Valid Signature

(1)   ABC Corp................................ABC Corp. (by John Doe, Treasurer)
(2)   ABC Corp................................John Doe, Treasurer
(3)   ABC Corp.
      c/o John Doe, Treasurer.................John Doe
(4)   ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan...........John Doe, Trustee

Trust Accounts

(1)   ABC Trust...............................Jane B. Doe, Trustee
(2)   Jane B. Doe, Trustee
      u/t/d/ 12/28/78.........................Jane B. Doe

Custodial or Estate Accounts

(1)   John B. Smith, Cust.
      f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA...........John B. Smith
(2)   John B. Smith...........................John B. Smith, Jr., Executor

                         615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor
                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                         to be held on November 27, 2001



     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of  Directors of The Mexico  Equity and Income  Fund,  Inc.
(the "Fund") for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be
held at the offices of Spitzer & Feldman P.C., 405 Park Avenue,  6th Floor,  New
York,  New York 10022 on November 27, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., New York time, and at
any and all adjournments  thereof.  A form of proxy is enclosed  herewith.  This
Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of proxy are being first mailed to
stockholders on or about November 9, 2001.

     Any  stockholder who executes and delivers a proxy may revoke it by written
communication  to the  Secretary  of the Fund at any time prior to its use or by
voting in person at the Meeting.  Unrevoked  proxies will be voted in accordance
with the specifications  thereon and, unless specified to the contrary,  will be
voted FOR the  election of the  nominees  for  Director,  FOR the approval of an
amendment to the investment  advisory agreement between Acci Worldwide,  S.A. de
C.V. (the  "Investment  Adviser" or "Acci  Worldwide")  and the Fund,  and FOR a
proposal to pursue the  creation  and  registration  of put  warrants  which are
designed to afford  stockholders  an opportunity  to promptly  realize net asset
value ("NAV") for their shares.

     In  general,  abstentions  and broker  non-votes  (reflected  by signed but
unvoted proxies), as defined below, count for purposes of obtaining a quorum but
do not count as votes cast with  respect to any  proposal  where the broker does
not have discretion.  With respect to a proposal  requiring the affirmative vote
of a majority of the Fund's  outstanding  shares of common stock,  the effect of
abstentions  and broker  non-votes is the same as a vote against such  proposal.
Otherwise,  abstentions and broker  non-votes have no effect on the outcome of a
proposal.  Broker  non-votes occur when shares held in the name of the broker or
nominee for whom an executed proxy is received by the Fund, but are not voted on
a  proposal  because  voting  instructions  have  not  been  received  from  the
beneficial owners or persons entitled to vote and the broker or nominee does not
have discretionary voting power.

     In the event that a quorum is not present at the Meeting, the persons named
as proxies  may propose  one or more  adjournments  of the Meeting to a date not
more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the original record date to permit
further   solicitation  of  proxies.  Any  such  adjournment  will  require  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares  represented  at the Meeting in
person or by proxy.  The persons  named as proxies will vote those  proxies that
they are entitled to vote FOR or AGAINST any such proposal in their  discretion.
Under the By-laws of the Fund, a quorum is constituted by the presence in person
or by proxy of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding  shares of
common stock of the Fund entitled to vote at the Meeting.

     The  cost of  soliciting  the  proxies  will be borne  by the  Fund.  Proxy
solicitations will be made primarily by mail, but solicitations may also be made
by  telephone,  telegraph  or  personal  interviews  conducted  by  officers  or
employees of the Fund or Firstar Mutual Fund Services, LLC, the administrator to
the Fund (the "Administrator").

     The Fund will, upon request, bear the reasonable expenses of brokers, banks
and their  nominees who are holders of record of the Fund's  common stock on the
record  date,  incurred  in mailing  copies of this  Notice of Meeting and Proxy
Statement and the enclosed form of proxy to the beneficial  owners of the Fund's
common stock.

     Only holders of issued and outstanding shares of the Fund's common stock of
record at the close of business  on November 1, 2001 are  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Meeting.  Each such holder is entitled to one vote per share
of common  stock so held.  The number of shares of common stock  outstanding  on
November 1, 2001 was 8,595,573. The Fund is a closed-end,  management investment

     Copies of the Fund's most recent annual report and  semi-annual  report may
be ordered free of charge to any  stockholder by writing to the Fund c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund Services, LLC, 615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor, Milwaukee,  Wisconsin
53202, or by telephone at (800)  637-7549.  This report is not to be regarded as
proxy-soliciting material.

         This Proxy Statement is first being mailed to stockholders on or about
November 9, 2001.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     In accordance with the Fund's Articles of  Incorporation,  the terms of the
Fund's Board of Directors are staggered.  The Board of Directors is divided into
three  classes:  Class I,  Class II and Class III,  each class  having a term of
three years.  Each year the term of office of one Class  expires.  The effect of
these  staggered  terms is to limit the ability of other  entities or persons to
acquire  control of the Fund by delaying  the  replacement  of a majority of the
Board of Directors.

     At the Meeting, stockholders will be asked to elect one Class I Director to
hold office until the year 2002 Annual Meeting or thereafter until his successor
is duly elected and  qualified,  two Class II Directors to hold office until the
year 2003 Annual Meeting or thereafter until each of their respective successors
are duly elected and qualified,  and one Class III Director to hold office until
the year 2004 Annual  Meeting or thereafter  until his successor is duly elected
and qualified.  In the event that any of the nominees should become  unavailable
for election for any presently  unforeseen reason, the persons named in the form
of proxy will vote for any nominee who shall be  designated by the present Board
of Directors.  Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the shares voting at
the Meeting.

     On March 16, 2001,  Alan H.  Rappaport,  a Director since 1990,  Carroll W.
Brewster,  a Director  since 1991,  and Sol  Gittleman,  a Director  since 1990,
resigned  as  Directors  of the Fund.  As a result,  at the April 3, 2001  Board
Meeting, the sole remaining Director,  Phillip Goldstein,  appointed an Advisory
Board (the  "Advisory  Board")  consisting of Gerald  Hellerman,  Rajeev Das and
Andrew Dakos to furnish  advisory  services to the sole Director of the Fund. It
is anticipated  that on or about  November 15, 2001, Mr.  Goldstein will appoint
Mr.  Glenn  Goodstein as a Class I Director,  Messrs.  Das and Dakos as Class II
Directors, and Mr. Hellerman as a Class III Director.

     At the Meeting,  stockholders will be asked to vote for the election of the
following nominees: Mr. Glenn Goodstein as a Class I Director to serve until the
year 2002 Annual  Meeting or thereafter  until his successor is duly elected and
qualified,  Messrs.  Rajeev Das and Andrew  Dakos as Class II Directors to serve
until the year 2003 Annual Meeting or thereafter  until each of their respective
successors are duly elected and qualified,  and Mr. Gerald  Hellerman as a Class
III Director to serve until the year 2004 Annual Meeting or thereafter until his
successor is duly elected and qualified.  If elected, each nominee has consented
to serve as a  Director  of the Fund until his  successor  is duly  elected  and

     The persons named in the  accompanying  form of proxy intend to vote at the
Meeting  (unless  directed not to vote) FOR the  election of Messrs.  Goodstein,
Das,  Dakos and  Hellerman.  Each  nominee has  indicated  that he will serve if
elected,  and the Board of  Directors  has no reason to believe  that any of the
nominees named above will become unavailable for election as a Director,  but if
any  nominee  should be unable to serve,  the proxy  will be voted for any other
person  determined by the persons  named in the proxy in  accordance  with their

The following table sets forth the ages and principal occupations of each of the
Directors  and  nominees  for  election  as Class I,  Class  II,  and  Class III
Directors, all of whom are not "Interested Persons" as defined in the Investment
Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "1940  Act"),  and the number of shares of
common  stock  of the Fund  beneficially  owned  by each of  them,  directly  or

Class I Director to serve until the Year 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
                                                                                  Shares of Common Stock
                                                                                   Beneficially Owned on
                                Principal Occupation           with the              November 1, 2001*
           Director               Over Last 5 Years            Fund Since   Age     Amount**          %
                                                                                    ------            -

Phillip Goldstein       Director  of  the  Fund  since  2000;     2000       56     406,844       4.73%
60 Heritage Drive       President   of  Kimball  &  Winthrop,
Pleasantville, NY 10570 Inc.,  an investment  advisory  firm,
                        since  1992;  Portfolio  Manager  and
                        President  of the general  partner of
                        Opportunity   Partners   L.P.   since
                        1992;   Investment   Manager   for  a
                        limited   number  of  clients   since
                        1992;    Advocate   for   shareholder
                        rights  since  1996;  Director of the
                        Italy  Fund,  Inc.  since  May  2000;
                        Director of the  Dresdner  RCM Global
                        Strategic  Income  Fund,  Inc.  since
                        November   2000;   Director   of  the
                        Brantley  Capital  Corporation  since
                        2001;   Director   of  the   Clemente
                        Strategic  Value Fund, Inc. from 1998
                        until 2000;  and  Managing  Member of
                        the  general  partner  of Full  Value
                        Partners L.P. since 2001.

Class I Director to serve until the Year 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
                                                                                     Shares of Common Stock
                                                                                     Beneficially Owned on

                                                               Position                November 1, 2001*
                                Principal Occupation           with the
           Nominee                Over Last 5 Years            Fund Since   Age      Amount**            %
                                                                                     ------              -
Glenn Goodstein         Registered  Investment  Adviser since     2001       38       159,041       1.85%
16830 Adlon Road  1999; Director  of the  Italy  Fund,
Encino, CA 91436        Inc.  since  2000;  Director  of  the
                        Dresdner RCM Global  Strategic Income
                        Fund,  Inc.  since 2000; and has held
                        several   executive   positions  with
                        Automatic Data Processing,  Inc. from
                        1988 until 1996.

Class II Directors to serve until the Year 2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

                                                                                     Shares of Common Stock
                                                                                     Beneficially Owned on
                                                               Position            -------------------------
                                Principal Occupation           with the                November 1, 2001*
           Nominee                Over Last 5 Years            Fund Since   Age       Amount**           %
                                                                                      ------             -
Rajeev Das***           Member of the Fund's  Advisory  Board     2001       32        -500-        0.01%
125 Seaman Avenue, 4B   from  April  2001  to  October  2001;
New York, NY 10034      Senior    Analyst   for   Kimball   &
                        Winthrop,   Inc.   since  1997;   and
                        Credit  Manager  for Muriel Siebert &
                        Company from 1996 until 1997.

Andrew Dakos***         Member of the Fund's  Advisory  Board     2001       35         -0-          -0-
43 Waterford Drive      from  April  2001  to  October  2001;
Montville, NJ 07045     President and CEO of Uvitec  Printing
                        Ink,  Inc.  since  2001;  Director of
                        Dresdner RCM Global  Strategic Income
                        Fund,  Inc.;  and Managing  Member of
                        the  general  partner  of Full  Value
                        Partners L.P. since 2001.

Class III Director to serve until the Year 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

                                                                                     Shares of Common Stock
                                                                                     Beneficially Owned on
                                                                                       November 1, 2001*
                                                               Position            -------------------------
                                Principal Occupation           with the
           Nominee                Over Last 5 Years            Fund Since   Age      Amount**         %
                                                                                     ------           -
Gerald Hellerman***     Managing    Director   of   Hellerman     2001       64         -0-          -0-
10965 Eight Bells Lane  Associates,     a    financial    and
Columbia, MD 21044      corporate  consulting  firm;  Trustee
                        of Third  Avenue  Value  Trust  since
                        1993;  Trustee  of  the  Third Avenue
                        Variable   Series  Trust  since 1999;
                        Member  of the Fund's  Advisory Board
                        from April 2001 to October 2001;  and
                        Director  of  the  Clemente Strategic
                        Value Fund, Inc. from 1998 until 2000.

*    Unless otherwise noted,  each nominee directly owns and has sole voting and
     investment power with respect to the listed shares.

**   For this purpose  "beneficial  ownership" is defined under Section 13(d) of
     the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"). The
     information as to beneficial ownership is based upon information  furnished
     to the Fund by the nominees.

***  Has served as a member of the Fund's  Advisory  Board since April 2001, and
     it is anticipated that he will be appointed as a Director of the Fund on or
     about November 15, 2001.

     At the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  held on  December  3,  1999  and
reconvened on February 4, 2000,  stockholders  of the Fund approved an amendment
to the  Fund's  By-laws  which  provides  that all  compensation  earned  by the
Directors  of the Fund  shall be held in escrow  and not paid to them  until the
stockholders  of the  Fund  are  able  to  realize  NAV for  all  their  shares.
Accordingly,  all  compensation  earned by the  non-interested  Directors  since
February 4, 2000, and all members of the Advisory  Board since April 2001,  have
been held in escrow.  As a result of the  resignations  of Messrs.  Brewster and
Gittleman on March 16, 2001, Messrs. Brewster and Gittleman have been paid their
respective fees earned,  and reimbursed any expenses incurred in connection with
their respective  attendance at any meetings of the Fund's Board of Directors or
the Audit Committee, which were previously held in escrow. Compensation for each
of the nominees,  if elected, as well as the compensation paid to Mr. Goldstein,
will be held in escrow in accordance with the By-laws of the Fund.

     The aggregate remuneration paid or accrued to Directors not affiliated with
Acci  Worldwide,  or Advantage  Advisers,  Inc., the Fund's former U.S.  adviser
("Advantage"),  was approximately  $30,854 during the fiscal year ended July 31,
2001, and, for that period,  the aggregate amount of expenses  reimbursed by the
Fund for Directors'  attendance at Directors' meetings was $1,631. The Fund pays
each  non-interested  Director  an  annual  fee of  $5,000  plus  $700  for each
Directors'  meeting and committee  meeting  attended in person and $100 for each
meeting  attended  by  means  of  a  telephonic  conference.  The  officers  and
interested Directors of the Fund received no compensation from the Fund.

     Under the  federal  securities  laws,  the Fund is  required  to provide to
stockholders in connection with the Meeting information  regarding  compensation
paid to  Directors by the Fund as well as by the various  other U.S.  registered
investment  companies advised by the Fund's investment  adviser during its prior
fiscal  year.   The  following   table  provides   information   concerning  the
compensation paid or accrued during the year ended July 31, 2001, as well as the
total  compensation  earned by each  Director  of the Fund by the Fund and other
funds advised by the Investment  Adviser or Advantage or their  affiliates.  The
Fund has no bonus, profit sharing, pension or retirement plans.

                         Director    Aggregate Compensation From Fund    Total Compensation From Other Funds
      Name of Director     Since                 for 2001                 Advised by Acci Worldwide for 2001
Phillip Goldstein          2000                   $9,650                                  $0
Alan H. Rappaport*         1990                     $0                                    $0
Carroll W. Brewster*       1991                   $5,150                                  $0
Sol Gittleman*             1990                   $5,050                                  $0
Gerald Hellerman**         2001                   $4,170                                  $0
Rajeev Das**               2001                   $3,767                                  $0
Andrew Dakos**             2001                   $3,067                                  $0
Glenn Goodstein            2001                     $0                                    $0

*    Resigned  as a member  of the Board of  Directors  of the Fund on March 16,

**   Has served as a member of the Fund's  Advisory  Board since April 2001, and
     it is anticipated that he will be appointed as a Director of the Fund on or
     about November 15, 2001.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")
and Section 30(h) of the 1940 Act in  combination  require the Fund's  directors
and  officers,  persons who own more than ten (10%) percent of the Fund's common
stock,  and the Fund's  investment  adviser and their  respective  directors and
officers,  to file  reports  of  ownership  and  changes in  ownership  with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission and the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc. The
Fund believes that the Fund's  directors  and  officers,  the Fund's  investment
adviser  and  their  respective   directors  and  officers  have  complied  with
applicable filing requirements during the year ended July 31, 2001.

Required Vote

     Directors  are elected by a  plurality  of the votes cast by the holders of
shares of common stock of the Fund present in person or  represented by proxy at
a meeting with a quorum  present.  For  purposes of the  election of  Directors,
abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will be counted as shares present for quorum
purposes,  may be  considered  votes  cast,  and may affect the  plurality  vote
required for Directors.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


     Pursuant to an Investment Advisory  Agreement,  dated October 14, 1991 (the
"Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement"),  between the Fund and Acci  Worldwide,  a
subsidiary of Acciones y Valores de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ("AVM"), Acci Worldwide
has acted as the Fund's investment co-adviser with respect to Mexican securities
investments.  Pursuant to a U.S. advisory agreement, dated November 3, 1997 (the
"Advantage  Agreement"),  Advantage,  a subsidiary of  Oppenheimer & Co.,  Inc.,
acted as the Fund's U.S.  adviser  until August 31,  2001.  At a meeting held on
September 20, 2001,  Mr.  Goldstein,  as the Fund's sole  Director,  approved an
amendment to the Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement (the "Amended Acci Worldwide
Agreement")  whereby:  (i)  the  investment  advisory  fees  to be  paid to Acci
Worldwide  for  its  investment  advisory  services  are  increased;  (ii)  Acci
Worldwide is the Fund's sole  investment  adviser and is responsible for any and
all advisory  obligations and duties previously  performed with Advantage;  and,
(iii)  all  references  made to  Advantage  are  deleted.  If the  Amended  Acci
Worldwide  Agreement is approved by the Fund's  stockholders,  then all services
formerly  provided by Advantage will be provided by Acci Worldwide.  The Amended
Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  A  and  shall  be
immediately effective upon its approval by the stockholders.

     With the exception of the aforementioned revisions to the annual investment
advisory  fees and the  increase  in the scope of the  management  of the Fund's
affairs,   as  described  below,   the  Amended  Acci  Worldwide   Agreement  is
substantially  identical to the Current Acci Worldwide Agreement with respect to
the  services to be provided to the Fund.  Notwithstanding  the  revision to the
annual investment advisory fees payable to Acci Worldwide, the revised rate paid
to the  Investment  Adviser is less than the rate  previously  paid to both Acci
Worldwide and Advantage, as co-advisers to the Fund.

     The Board of Directors hereby submits the Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement
to the stockholders for their consideration and approval.

     Acci  Worldwide was  organized in 1990 as a company with limited  liability
under the laws of Mexico to carry on  investment  management  activities  and is
registered  as an investment  adviser in the United States under the  Investment
Advisers  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the  "Advisers  Act").  In  addition to its
services to the Fund,  Acci Worldwide acts as a sub-adviser to The Latin America
Capital  Partners  Limited.  Acci Worldwide is a wholly owned subsidiary of AVM.
The principal address of Acci Worldwide is Paseo de la Reforma 398, Mexico City,
D.F., Mexico 06600.

     AVM,  organized  in 1971,  owns 1000  shares of the  capital  stock of Acci
Worldwide.  AVM  provides  institutional  and  brokerage  services  as  well  as
financial  advice to investors and  securities  issuers,  specializing  in money
market,  brokerage and corporate  finance  operations,  and provides  investment
advice to Mexican  investment  funds.  Through a family of mutual,  pension  and
fixed  income  funds,  AVM  has  over  $6  billion  under  management   invested
exclusively  in Mexican  equity and fixed income  securities.  AVM is one of the
leading  brokerage  firms in Mexico and is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Grupo
Financiero Banamex, S.A. de C.V. ("Grupo Banamex"). Grupo Banamex also holds the
controlling  interest  in Banco  Nacional  de  Mexico,  S.A.,  Mexico's  largest
commercial bank.

     AVM  holds  one  hundred  (100%)  percent  of the  capital  stock  of  ACCI
Securities,  Inc., a securities  brokerage firm incorporated in Delaware in June
1990,  with  its  principal  place of  business  in New  York,  New  York.  ACCI
Securities,  Inc. is  registered  as a  broker-dealer  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and effects  transactions  as a broker in Mexican
securities,  primarily for U.S.  institutional  investors and, solely incidental
thereto, provides investment advice and research.

The Advantage Agreement

     From  October 14,  1991 to August 31,  2001,  Advantage  served as the U.S.
adviser to the Fund.  Advantage and the Fund mutually  agreed to terminate  this
relationship  effective  August 31, 2001.  Advantage is a corporation  organized
under the laws of the State of Delaware on May 31, 1990 and is registered  under
the Advisers Act.

     For its  services,  Advantage  received a monthly  fee at an annual rate of
0.40% of the Fund's average monthly net assets.  For the fiscal years ended July
31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, Advantage earned a fee under the Advantage Agreement of
$375,924, $436,909 and $377,149,  respectively, which was paid or payable by the

     Pursuant  to  the  Advantage  Agreement,   Advantage  provided  advice  and
consultation to Acci Worldwide  regarding the Fund's overall investment strategy
and  Acci  Worldwide's  individual  decisions  to buy,  sell or hold  particular
securities.  In addition,  Advantage  furnished to Acci  Worldwide  and the Fund
international  economic  information  and analysis with  particular  emphasis on
macroeconomic  issues  relating  to Mexico  and North  America.  Advantage  also
furnished to the Investment  Adviser investment advice regarding global and U.S.
debt securities,  particularly with respect to investments made during defensive
periods,  and regarding the Fund's  assets held for  distribution  or payment of
expenses or pending  reinvestment  in  securities.  In addition,  Advantage made
investment  decisions jointly with Acci Worldwide regarding any convertible debt
security  acquisitions  made by the Fund and would participate in the process of
negotiating  and  structuring  any  future   acquisitions  of  convertible  debt
securities directly from Mexican companies.

     Advantage and Acci Worldwide both provided  investors with information with
respect to the Mexican economy and securities market, the net asset value of the
Fund's  portfolio and the general  composition of such  portfolio,  including by
making  available  to investors a toll free  telephone  number.  Advantage  also
supervised and coordinated the work of the Fund's  administrator with respect to
regulatory  filings  and the  overall  administration  of the Fund in the United

The Current Acci Worldwide Agreement

     Pursuant to the Current Acci Worldwide Agreement, Acci Worldwide receives a
monthly fee at an annual rate of .52% of the Fund's average  monthly net assets.
For the fiscal years ended July 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001, Acci Worldwide earned a
fee under the  Current  Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  of  $488,702,  $567,982  and
$490,294, respectively, which was paid or payable by the Fund.

     Pursuant to the Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement,  Acci  Worldwide  makes
investment  decisions  for the Fund,  prepares  and makes  available to the Fund
research  and  statistical  data in  connection  therewith  and  supervises  the
acquisition and  disposition of securities by the Fund,  including the selection
of  brokers or  dealers  to carry out such  transactions  on behalf of the Fund,
subject to the direct  participation  by Advantage in any  investment  decisions
with respect to  investments  by the Fund in convertible  debt  securities.  All
decisions to acquire convertible debt securities require the concurrence of both
Acci Worldwide and Advantage.  In the case of securities transactions other than
the acquisition of convertible debt securities,  Acci Worldwide  receives advice
from,  and consults  with,  Advantage  regarding the Fund's  overall  investment
strategy  and  Acci  Worldwide's  individual  decisions  to  buy,  sell  or hold
particular  securities.  Subject  to this  participation  by  Advantage  and the
oversight and  supervision  of the Fund's Board of Directors,  Acci Worldwide is
responsible  for the management of the Fund's  portfolio in accordance  with the
Fund's  investment  objective and policies and for making decisions to buy, sell
or hold particular  securities.  The Current Acci Worldwide  Agreement  provides
that the Acci Worldwide shall not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake
of law or for any loss  suffered by the Fund in  connection  with the matters to
which the Current Acci Worldwide  Agreement relates,  except liability resulting
from  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith or gross  negligence  on the  Investment
Adviser's part in the  performance  of its duties or from reckless  disregard of
its  obligations  and duties under the Current  Acci  Worldwide  Agreement.  The
Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement was last approved by a majority of the Fund's
outstanding voting shares on November 7, 1994 and by the Directors,  including a
majority of the  Directors  who are not parties to the  Current  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement  or  interested  persons  (as  defined  in the  Advisers  Act) of such
parties,  on June 28, 2001. By its terms,  the Current Acci Worldwide  Agreement
continues in effect from year to year, provided, if it is approved annually by a
vote of a majority of the members of the Fund's Board of  Directors  who are not
parties to the Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement or interested  persons of such
parties,  cast in person at a meeting  called for the  purpose of voting on such
approval,  and by a majority vote of either the Fund's Board of Directors or the
Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities.  The Fund or the Investment Adviser may
terminate the Current Acci Worldwide  Agreement at any time,  without payment of
penalty,  upon  sixty (60) days  written  notice.  The  Current  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement  will  terminate  automatically  in the  event of its  assignment  (as
defined in the Advisers Act).

The Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement

     As a result of the  mutual  termination  of the  Advantage  Agreement,  Mr.
Goldstein,  as the sole Director of the Fund, with the advice and consent of the
Advisory Board, approved entering into the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement at a
meeting held on September 20, 2001.

     The Amended Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  amends the Current  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement in several  respects.  The  references  to the U.S.  adviser have been
deleted  including,  the description of the U.S. adviser's  investment  advisory
role under its agreement  with the Fund which was  terminated as of September 1,
2001. Moreover, due to the increased scope of Acci Worldwide's advisory services
to the Fund, as a result of Advantage's mutual termination,  Acci Worldwide will
receive a monthly fee at an annual rate of 0.80% of the Fund's  average  monthly
net assets.

     Acci  Worldwide  will continue to make  investment  decisions for the Fund,
prepare  and  make  available  to the Fund  research  and  statistical  data and
supervise the acquisition  and disposition of securities by the Fund,  including
the selection of brokers or dealers to carry out such  transactions on behalf of
the Fund,  without the  participation  of Advantage in any investment  decisions
with  respect  to  investments  by the  Fund  in  convertible  debt  securities.
Advantage no longer participates in any investment  decisions for the Fund after
September 1, 2001.

     In the case of all portfolio  securities  transactions,  Acci Worldwide has
been the Fund's sole investment adviser since September 1, 2001. Subject only to
the oversight and  supervision of the Fund's Board of Directors,  Acci Worldwide
will be  solely  responsible  for the  management  of the  Fund's  portfolio  in
accordance  with the Fund's  investment  objective  and  policies and for making
decisions to buy, sell or hold particular securities.

     The  Amended  Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  continues  to  provide  that Acci
Worldwide shall not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for
any loss  suffered  by the Fund in  connection  with the  matters  to which  the
Amended Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  relates,  except  liability  resulting  from
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on the Investment Adviser's
part  in the  performance  of its  duties  or  from  reckless  disregard  of its
obligations and duties under the Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement.  The Fund or
the Investment Adviser may terminate the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement at any
time,  without  payment of penalty,  upon sixty (60) days  written  notice.  The
Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement will terminate  automatically  in the event of
its assignment (as defined in the Advisers Act).

Information Concerning the Effect of the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement

     The following  table compares the  compensation  paid to Acci Worldwide and
Advantage,  as  co-advisers,  by the  Fund  under  the  Current  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement and the Advantage Agreement,  in the Fund's fiscal year ended July 31,
2001 and the  compensation  that the Fund  would  have paid Acci  Worldwide  for
similar  services in fiscal year 2001, had the Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement
been  in  effect  and had the  Advantage  Agreement  no  longer  been in  effect
throughout  such  period.  All figures  contained  in the table below  represent
percentages based on average monthly net assets.

                                                                   FEES AND EXPENSES
                                                                    FOR FISCAL 2001
                                                                   UNDER THE AMENDED
                                                                    ACCI WORLDWIDE
                                             ACTUAL FEES AND
                                           EXPENSES FOR 2001*
Advisory  Fee . . . . . . . . . .  . . .          .92%                   .80%

Other  Expenses  . .. . . . . . .  . . .          .98%                   .98%

Total  Expenses . . . . . . . . .  . . .          1.90%                  1.78%

Decrease in Fee Payable by Fund
for Investment Advisory Services**. . .          (0.12)%


* Actual fees and  expenses  for fiscal year 2001 are the  aggregate of fees and
expenses paid to both Acci Worldwide and Advantage, as co-advisers,  pursuant to
the Current Acci Worldwide Agreement and the Advantage Agreement, respectively.

** Reflects the difference  between the fees and expenses paid to Acci Worldwide
and Advantage in 2001 and the fees and expenses which would have been payable to
Acci Worldwide in fiscal year 2001 under the Amended Acci  Worldwide  Agreement,
without Advantage.

Evaluation by the Board of Directors

     Mr. Goldstein,  as the sole member of the Board of Directors and who is not
an interested person of any party to the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement or its
affiliates,  has approved the Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement for the Fund and
recommends that stockholders of the Fund approve such agreement. The Fund's sole
Director  deliberated with all of the members of the Advisory Board and approved
the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement at the Director's meeting held on September
20, 2001.  The Amended Acci Worldwide  Agreement is effective  upon  stockholder
approval.  If the  stockholders  do  not  approve  the  Amended  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement at the Meeting (or at an adjournment  thereof),  the Board will either
resubmit the Amended Acci  Worldwide  Agreement  to the  stockholders  for their
consideration and approval or consider  alternative sources from which to obtain
investment management and research services for the Fund.

     In approving the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement and determining to submit
it to the stockholders of the Fund for their approval,  Mr. Goldstein considered
the best interests of the  stockholders  and took into account factors he deemed
relevant.  The factors considered by Mr. Goldstein included the nature,  quality
and scope of the operations and services to be provided by Acci Worldwide, while
focusing on the  experience of Acci Worldwide with respect to its prior services
provided to the Fund.  Furthermore,  Mr. Goldstein  considered the fact that the
revised  investment  advisory  fees payable to Acci  Worldwide are less than the
aggregate compensation paid to both Acci Worldwide and Advantage, as co-advisers
to the Fund, for substantially the same services.

     Based upon its review of the above  factors,  the Board,  consisting of Mr.
Goldstein  as the sole  Director of the Fund,  determined  that the Amended Acci
Worldwide  Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund and its  stockholders.
The entire  Advisory Board has also  determined  that the Amended Acci Worldwide
Agreement is in the best interest of the Fund and its  stockholders.  If elected
by the stockholders,  Messrs. Goodstein, Das, Dakos and Hellerman intend to join
Mr. Goldstein in ratifying the Amended Acci Worldwide Agreement.

Required Vote

     As provided by the Advisers  Act,  approval of the Amended  Acci  Worldwide
Agreement will require the  affirmative  vote of a "majority of the  outstanding
voting  securities" of the Fund,  which means the affirmative vote of the lesser
of (a)  sixty-seven  (67%) percent or more of the shares of the Fund entitled to
vote thereon  present or represented by proxy at the Meeting,  if the holders of
more than fifty (50%) percent of the outstanding  shares of the Fund entitled to
vote thereon are present or represented  by proxy,  or (b) more than fifty (50%)
percent of the total  outstanding  shares of the Fund  entitled to vote thereon.
For this purpose,  abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will be counted as shares
present at the Meeting for quorum purposes,  but not as votes cast and will have
the same effect as votes cast against the Proposal.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3

                PROPOSAL TO pursue the creation and registration
                      of put warrants which are designed to

     Phillip  Goldstein,  the sole  member of the Board of  Directors,  with the
advice and consent of the members of the Advisory Board,  believes that it is in
the best  interest of the  stockholders  of the Fund that the Fund  undertake an
initiative to pursue the creation and  registration of put warrants  designed to
afford the  stockholders  a series of  opportunities  to  realize  NAV for their
shares.  Although  this  proposal  is  not  binding,  if it is  approved  by the
stockholders,  the  newly  constituted  Board of  Directors  will  undertake  an
initiative to effectuate the creation and registration of put warrants.

     Initially  conceived  by Mr.  Goldstein  as an  innovative  means  by which
stockholders  of a closed-end  investment  company  might  realize NAV for their
shares, Mr. Goldstein has developed the terms for the creation and issuance of a
new  instrument  entitled a "put warrant".  The proposed put warrant  concept is
currently  being  reviewed,  on an informal basis, by the staff (the "Staff") of
the SEC.  The Staff  has thus far  expressed  concern  about  certain  terms and
conditions,  as well as the overall  concept,  of the put  warrants as initially
proposed.  Furthermore,  the Staff has  indicated,  during an  initial  informal
conversation,  that  due to the  unique  nature  of the  put  warrants,  a newly
conceived  security  designed to permit  stockholders to realize net asset value
for their shares,  it will likely be necessary to for several  divisions  within
the SEC to review  different  aspects  of the put  warrants.  Should  the Staff,
however, provide favorable responses to the overall concept of the put warrants,
the Fund will  proceed to seek the  necessary  authorizations  and  approvals to
issue  such put  warrants,  including,  to the extent  that it may be  required,
stockholder approval.



     As initially  conceived by Mr. Goldstein,  the put warrants would entitle a
holder  thereof to  surrender  to the Fund one share of the Fund's  common stock
(the "Share") for each put warrant held once each calendar quarter,  in exchange
for an in-kind pro-rata distribution of the Fund's portfolio securities (and, if
applicable,  cash) of the Fund  valued at NAV per Share or cash equal to NAV per

     Should the  development of the put warrant  concept be subject to extensive
delays,  the Board of Directors will consider the use of more traditional  means
of promptly delivering NAV to stockholders.

     After  delivering  NAV to  stockholders,  whether by put warrant or by more
traditional  means, the Board of Directors may consider the  appropriateness  of
conducting a rights  offering or other  offering in order to increase the number
of issued and outstanding  shares.  However,  it is currently  intended that any
such offering will be combined with a commitment  from the Board of Directors to
combine  any  offering,  if  appropriate,  with  a  provision  for a  subsequent
opportunity to realize NAV.

Required Vote

     Although  this  proposal  is not  binding,  if it is  approved  by a simple
majority of the votes cast at the meeting, the Board of Directors will undertake
an initiative to effectuate a policy to afford the  stockholders  an opportunity
to promptly  realize NAV for their shares,  utilizing any viable means including
the  implementation  of put  warrants,  if favorably  reviewed,  authorized  and
approved  by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC")  on  terms
acceptable to the Board of Directors, or, at the sole discretion of the Board of
Directors,  using more traditional means including,  but not necessarily limited
to, a tender offer.  For purposes of voting on this  proposal,  abstentions  and
broker  non-votes will be counted as shares present for quorum  purposes but are
not considered votes cast.

     Mr.  Goldstein,  as the sole Director of the Fund, and the entire  Advisory
Board have  determined that it would be in the best interest of the Fund and its
stockholders  for the Fund to pursue the  creation and  registration  of the put
warrants.  If elected by the  stockholders,  Messrs.  Goodstein,  Das, Dakos and
Hellerman  intend to join Mr.  Goldstein in ratifying the Fund's  pursuit of the
creation and registration of put warrants.


                                 AUDIT COMMITTEE

     The Fund's Audit  Committee is currently  composed of three (3) independent
Directors, Messrs. Hellerman (as Chairman), Das and Goldstein. Messrs. Hellerman
and Das served on the Audit  Committee  while they were  members of the Advisory
Board.  It is proposed that after this meeting,  these three (3) Directors  will
continue to comprise the Audit Committee.  The principal  functions of the Audit
Committee include but are not limited to: (i)  recommendations  to the Board for
the appointment of the Fund's independent accountants;  (ii) review of the scope
and  anticipated  cost  of  the  independent   accountant's   audit;  and  (iii)
consideration of the independent  accountant's  reports concerning their conduct
of the audit,  including any comments or recommendations  the Board of Directors
might make in connection thereto.  The Audit Committee convened twice during the
fiscal year ended July 31, 2001.

     On June 28, 2001, the Audit Committee,  followed by the Board of Directors,
approved the  continuance of the Fund's written charter setting forth the duties
and  responsibilities of the Audit Committee.  A copy of the charter, as adopted
by the Board of  Directors of the Fund,  is included in this Proxy  Statement as
Exhibit B.

     The following table sets forth the approximate aggregate fees billed by the
independent  accountants for the Fund's most recent fiscal year for professional
services  rendered for: (i) the audit of the Fund's annual financial  statements
and the  review of  financial  statements  included  in the  Fund's  reports  to
stockholders  ("Audit  Fees");  (ii)  financial  information  systems design and
implementation  services  provided  to the  Fund,  its  investment  adviser  and
entities  that  control,  are  controlled  by or under  common  control with the
Investment  Adviser that provides  services to the Fund ("Financial  Information
Systems  Design");  and (iii)  all  other  services  provided  to the Fund,  its
investment adviser and entities that control,  are controlled by or under common
control with the  Investment  Adviser that  provides  services to the Fund ("All
Other Fees").

----------------------- -------------------------------------- -----------------
           Audit Fees   Financial Information Systems Design   All Other Fees
----------------------- -------------------------------------- -----------------
           $57,800.00                  $0.00                      $3,000.00
----------------------- -------------------------------------- -----------------

     The Fund has no nominating or compensation committees.

     Mr.  Phillip  Goldstein,  the sole Director,  attended one hundred  percent
(100%) of the seven (7) meetings of the Board of Directors  (including regularly
scheduled  and  special  meetings)  held  during the year  ended July 31,  2001.
Messrs.  Alan Rappaport,  Carroll W. Brewster and Sol Gittleman each attended at
least  seventy-five  percent  (75%)  or more of the  meetings  of the  Board  of
Directors  (including  regularly scheduled and special meetings) held during the
period for which each  respective  individual  served as a Director  in the year
ended July 31, 2001.

Audit Committee Report

     The Audit  Committee  has met and held  discussions  with PFPC,  Inc.,  the
Fund's  Administrator during the fiscal year ended July 31, 2001, as well as the
Fund's  independent  accountants.  The  Administrator  represented  to the Audit
Committee that the Fund's financial  statements were prepared in accordance with
U.S.  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  and the Audit  Committee has
reviewed and discussed the financial  statements  with the Fund's  Administrator
and its  independent  accountants.  The Audit Committee also discu ssed with the
independent  accountants  matters  required  to be  discussed  by  Statement  on
Auditing Standards No. 61.

     The Fund's independent accountants also provided to the Audit Committee the
written  disclosures  required by  Independence  Standard s Board Standard No. 1
(Independence  Discussions  with  Audit  Committees),  and the  Audit  Committee
discussed with the independent accountants' their independence,  in light of the
services they were providing.

     Based upon the Audit Committee's  discussion with the Fund's  Administrator
and  the  independent  accountants  and  the  Audit  Committee's  review  of the
representations  of the Fund's  Administrator  and the report of the independent
accountants to the Audit  Committee,  the Audit Committee  recommended  that the
Board of Directors include the audited financial statements in the Fund's Annual
Report for the fiscal  year ended July 31,  2001 filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     G. Hellerman
                                                     R. Das
                                                     P. Goldstein


The Investment Adviser

     From  November 7, 1997 to August 31, 2001,  Acci  Worldwide  and  Advantage
served as co-advisers to the Fund. As of August 31, 2001, Advantage ceased being
a co-adviser to the Fund.  Acci  Worldwide  continues to serve as the investment
adviser to the Fund  pursuant to the Current Acci  Worldwide  Agreement and will
continue to serve as the  investment  adviser under the Amended Acci  Agreement,
subject to stockholder approval.

     Acci  Worldwide was  organized in 1990 as a company with limited  liability
under the laws of Mexico to carry on investment management activities,  and is a
registered  investment adviser under the Advisers Act. Acci Worldwide has served
as co-adviser  to the Fund since the Fund's  inception.  The principal  business
address of Acci Worldwide is Paseo de la Reforma 398, Mexico City, D.F.,  Mexico
06600. Acci Worldwide is a wholly owned subsidiary of AVM.

     AVM,  organized in 1971,  provides  institutional and brokerage services as
well as financial  advice to investors and securities  issuers,  specializing in
money  market,   brokerage  and  corporate  finance  operations,   and  provides
investment  advice  to  Mexican  investment  funds.  AVM is  one of the  leading
brokerage firms in Mexico and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Grupo Banamex.

     The names,  titles and principal  occupations of the current  Directors and
executive  officers of Acci Worldwide are set forth in the following  table. The
business  address of each person listed below is Paseo de la Reforma 398, Mexico
City, D.F., Mexico 06600.

                    Name                       Title and Principal Occupation

Alfredo  Loera  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Deputy  President of Grupo
                                               Banamex,  Head of Asset
                                               Management of AVM and Chairman
                                               of Acci Worldwide

Maria Eugenia Pichardo . . . . . . . . . . . . Deputy Asset Management  Director
                                               of AVM and  Director  General and
                                               Secretary of Acci Worldwide

Enrique Garay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Deputy Managing Director of
                                               the Trading Equities Division of
                                               AVM and Director of Acci

Vidal  Lavin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Asset Management Director of AVM
                                               and Director of Acci Worldwide

Francisco Lopez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Executive Director of Acci

Marcela Martinez . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Operational Executive Manager of
                                               Acci Worldwide

The Administrator

     Prior to September  1, 2001,  PFPC,  Inc.  ("PFPC"),  whose  address is 400
Bellevue Parkway,  Wilmington, DE 19809, acted as the administrator of the Fund.
At the June 28,  2001  meeting  of the  Board  of  Directors,  PFPC and the Fund
mutually  terminated the Administration  Agreement  effective as of September 1,

     At the same meeting when the PFPC Administration  Agreement was terminated,
the Board  approved a new  Administration  Agreement  with Firstar  Mutual Funds
Services,  LLC,  whose  address is 615 E.  Michigan  St., 2nd Floor,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53202. The new  Administration  Agreement is effective as of September
1, 2001. The Board also  approved,  at the June 28, 2001 meeting of the Board of
Directors (i) a Custody Agreement, effective as of September 1, 2001, and (ii) a
Stock Transfer Agency  Agreement,  effective  September 1, 2001, both agreements
are with Firstar  Bank,  N.A.,  whose address is 615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.


     The following  table sets forth the  beneficial  ownership of shares of the
Fund,  as of November 1, 2001,  by each person  known to the Fund to be deemed a
beneficial owner of more than five (5%) percent of the total outstanding  shares
of common stock of the Fund:

                                               Shares of Common Stock           % of Fund's Outstanding
                                                 Beneficially Owned            Shares Beneficially Owned
       Name and Address of Beneficial Owner    on October 31, 2001 (1)            on October 31, 2001
Mira L.P. (2)                                       2,264,280 (2)                      26.34% (3)
One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 42nd Floor
New York, New York 10005

Zurich Capital Markets Inc. (2)                     2,264,280 (2)                      26.34% (3)
One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 42nd Floor
New York, New York 10005


(1) Beneficial  share  ownership is determined  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Accordingly,  a beneficial owner of a security
includes  any  person  who,  directly  or  indirectly,   through  any  contract,
arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise has or shares the power to
vote such security or the power to dispose of such security.

(2) Based solely upon information presented in a Schedule 13D, filed on December
7, 1999,  filed jointly by Mira L.P. and Zurich Capital  Markets Inc. Based upon
this  information,  Zurich Capital  Markets Inc. acts as the General  Partner of
Mira L.P.  Therefore,  Zurich Capital Markets Inc. has an indirect  ownership in
the 2,264,280 shares,  and the aggregate  beneficial  ownership of shares of the
Fund by both Mira L.P. and Zurich  Capital  Markets,  Inc. is 2,264,280  shares.
Further pursuant to this Schedule 13D, each respective  entity has shared voting
and dispositive power with respect to all 2,264,280 shares.

(3) This  percentage  is  calculated  on the basis of 8,595,573  shares of stock
outstanding as of November 1, 2001.

     Additionally,  on October 31, 2001, Cede & Co., a nominee for  participants
in the Depository  Trust Company,  held of record  8,140,974 shares of the Fund,
equal to approximately 94.71% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board of  Directors of the Fund does not know of any other matter which
may come before the  Meeting,  but should any other  matter  requiring a vote of
stockholders  arise,  including  any  questions  as to  the  adjournment  of the
Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the  proxy to vote the
proxies in accordance with their judgment on that matter.


     All  proposals  by  stockholders  of the  Fund  which  are  intended  to be
presented at the Fund's next Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  to be held in the
year 2002,  must be  received  by the Fund  addressed  to The Mexico  Equity and
Income Fund,  Inc. c/o Firstar Mutual Fund  Services,  LLC, 615 E. Michigan St.,
2nd Floor,  Milwaukee,  Wisconsin  53202,  for  inclusion  in the  Fund's  proxy
statement  and proxy  relating to that  meeting in advance of the meeting as set
forth below.  Any stockholder who desires to bring a proposal at the Fund's 2002
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  without  including such proposal in the Fund's
proxy  statement must deliver (via the U.S. Post Office or such other means that
guarantees  delivery)  written  notice  thereof to the Secretary of the Fund c/o
Firstar  Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, 615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin   53202,   no  less  than  one  hundred  twenty  (120)  calendar  days
(approximately July, 2002) before the date of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
which will be  scheduled  to be held in  November  2002 or the tenth  (10th) day
after public  announcement  is made by way of  publication by the New York Stock
Exchange of the Fund's Meeting date.

                                         THE MEXICO EQUITY AND INCOME Fund, Inc.

                                         Andrew P. Chica

Dated:   November 9, 2001


                                    EXHIBIT A


     AGREEMENT  dated and  effective  as of October  14,  1991,  as amended  and
restated as of  ________________,  2001,  between  THE MEXICO  EQUITY AND INCOME
FUND, INC., a Maryland  corporation  (herein referred to as the "Fund") and ACCI
WORLDWIDE,  S.A.  de C.V.,  a company  organized  under  the laws of the  Mexico
(herein referred to as the "Investment Adviser").

     WHEREAS,  the Fund and the Investment  Adviser are parties to an Investment
Advisory Agreement dated October 14, 1991 (the "Original Agreement"); and,

     WHEREAS,  the Fund and the Investment  Adviser desire to amend the terms of
the Original Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
it is agreed by the parties as follows:

     1. Appointment of the Investment Adviser.

          (a) The  Investment  Adviser hereby  undertakes  and agrees,  upon the
     terms and conditions herein set forth, (i) to make investment decisions for
     the  Fund,  to  prepare  and  make  available  to  the  Fund  research  and
     statistical data in connection therewith,  and to supervise the acquisition
     and  disposition  of  securities  by the Fund,  including  the selection of
     brokers or dealers to carry out the  transactions,  all in accordance  with
     the  Fund's  investment  objective  and  policies  and in  accordance  with
     guidelines  and  directions  from the Fund's  Board of  Directors;  (ii) to
     assist the Fund as it may  reasonably  request in the conduct of the Fund's
     business,  subject to the  direction  and  control  of the Fund's  Board of
     Directors;  (iii) to  maintain  and furnish or cause to be  maintained  and
     furnished for the Fund all records,  reports and other information required
     under the United  States  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the
     "1940 Act"), to the extent that such records, reports and other information
     are not maintained or furnished by the administrators,  custodians or other
     agents of the Fund; (iv) to furnish at the Investment Adviser's expense for
     the use of the  Fund  such  office  space  and  facilities  as the Fund may
     reasonably  require for its needs in Mexico City, Mexico, and to furnish at
     the Investment  Adviser's expense clerical services in the United States or
     Mexico related to research, statistical and investment work; and (v) to pay
     the  reasonable  salaries and  expenses of such of the Fund's  officers and
     employees (including,  where applicable, the Fund's share of payroll-taxes)
     and any fees and expenses of such of the Fund's directors as are directors,
     officers or employees of the Investment  Adviser or any of its  affiliates;
     provided,  however, that the Fund, and not the Investment Adviser or any of
     its  affiliates,  shall bear  travel  expenses or an  appropriate  fraction
     thereof of directors and officers of the Fund who are  directors,  officers
     or  employees of the  Investment  Adviser or any of its  affiliates  to the
     extent that such expenses  relate to attendance at meetings of the Board of
     Directors of the Fund or any committees  thereof.  The  Investment  Adviser
     shall bear all expenses  arising out of its duties  hereunder but shall not
     be responsible  for any expenses of the Fund other than those  specifically
     allocated to the Investment Adviser in this Section 1.

          (b)  In  particular,  but  without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
     foregoing,  the Investment Adviser shall not be responsible,  except to the
     extent  of  the  compensation  of  such  of  the  Fund's  employees  as are
     directors,  officers or employees of the Investment  Adviser whose services
     may be  involved,  for the  following  expenses  of the Fund;  organization
     expenses  (but  not  the  overhead  or  employee  costs  of the  Investment
     Adviser); legal fees and expenses of counsel (United States and Mexican) to
     the  Fund  and,  if  counsel  is  retained  by the  directors  who  are not
     "interested persons" of the Fund, of such counsel;  auditing and accounting
     expenses;  taxes and  governmental  fees; New York Stock  Exchange  listing
     fees;  dues  and  expenses   incurred  in  connection  with  membership  in
     investment  company   organizations;   fees  and  expenses  of  the  Fund's
     custodians,  transfer agents and registrars; fees and expenses with respect
     to  administration   except  as  may  be  provided  otherwise  pursuant  to
     administration  agreements;  expenses for portfolio  pricing  services by a
     pricing agent, if any;  expenses of preparing share  certificates and other
     expenses in connection  with the  issuance,  offering and  underwriting  of
     shares  issued  by the Fund;  expenses  relating  to  investor  and  public
     relations;  fees and  expenses  involved  in  registering  and  maintaining
     registration  of  the  Fund  and of  its  shares  with  the  United  States
     Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and qualifying its shares under state
     securities  laws,  including  the  preparation  and  printing of the Fund's
     registration  statements  and  prospectuses  for  such  purposes;  freight,
     insurance and other  charges in connection  with the shipment of the Fund's
     portfolio securities; brokerage commissions, stamp duties or other costs of
     acquiring or disposing of any  portfolio  holding of the Fund;  expenses of
     preparation  and   distribution  of  reports,   notices  and  dividends  to
     shareholders;  expenses of the  dividend  reinvestment  and share  purchase
     plan;  costs  of  stationery;   any  litigation  expenses;   and  costs  of
     shareholders' and other meetings.

          (c) In selecting brokers or dealers to execute portfolio  transactions
     on behalf of the Fund,  the  Investment  Adviser will seek the best overall
     terms  available.  In assessing  the best overall  terms  available for any
     transaction,  the  Investment  Adviser  must  consider the factors it deems
     relevant, including the breadth of the market in the security, the price of
     the  security,  the financial  condition  and  execution  capability of the
     broker or dealer, and the reasonableness of the commission, if any, for the
     specific transaction and on a continuing basis. In addition, the Investment
     Adviser  may,  in  selecting  brokers or  dealers  to execute a  particular
     transaction  and in evaluating the best overall terms  available,  consider
     the brokerage and research  services (as those terms are defined in Section
     28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934) provided to the Fund and/or
     accounts over which the Investment Adviser exercises investment discretion.

          (d) The  Investment  Adviser may  contract  with or consult  with such
     banks, other securities firms or other parties in Mexico or elsewhere as it
     may deem appropriate to obtain additional advisory  information and advice,
     including investment recommendations, advice regarding economic factors and
     trends,  advice as to currency exchange matters and clerical and accounting
     services  and other  assistance.  It is  acknowledged  and agreed  that the
     Investment  Adviser will be  responsible  for the  management of the Fund's
     portfolio and overall  investment  strategy,  in accordance with the Fund's
     investment  policies,  and  for  making  decisions  to  buy,  sell  or hold
     particular  securities,   including  but  not  limited  to  all  investment
     decisions  with  respect  to  the  Fund's  portfolio  of  convertible  debt

     2.  Remuneration.  The Fund  agrees to pay to the  Investment  Adviser,  in
either U.S.  dollars or pesos, as may from time to time be agreed among the Fund
and the Investment Adviser, as full compensation for the services to be rendered
and expenses to be borne by the Investment Adviser  hereunder,  a monthly fee at
an annual  rate  equal to 0.80% of the value of the Funds  average  monthly  net
assets. For purposes of computing the fee, the average monthly net assets of the
Fund are  determined  at the end of each month on the basis of the  average  net
assets of the Fund for each week  during the month.  The assets for each  weekly
period are  determined by averaging the net assets at the last business day of a
week with the net assets at the last  business day of the prior week.  The value
of the net assets of the Fund shall be  determined  pursuant  to the  applicable
provisions of the 1940 Act and the  directions of the Fund's Board of Directors.
Subject  to the  provisions  of Section 6 of  this-Agreement,  such fee shall be
computed beginning on __________________,  2001 (the "Effective Date") until the
termination, for whatever reason, of this Agreement. The fee for the period from
the end of the last month ending prior to  termination  of this Agreement to the
date of  termination  and the fee for the period from the Effective Date through
the end of the  month in which  the  Effective  Date  occurs  shall be pro rated
according to the proportion  which such period bears to the full monthly period.
Except as  provided  below,  each  payment  of a monthly  fee to the  Investment
Adviser  shall be made within ten days of the first day of each month  following
the day as of which  such  payment is  computed.  Upon the  termination  of this
Agreement before, the end of any month, such fee shall be payable on the date of
termination of this Agreement.

     3.  Representations  and Warranties.  The Investment Adviser represents and
warrants that it is duly  registered  and  authorized  as an investment  adviser
under the United States Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended,  and agrees
to maintain effective all requisite registrations,  authorizations and licenses,
as the case may be, until the termination of this Agreement.

     4.  Services  Not Deemed  Exclusive.  Nothing  herein shall be construed as
prohibiting  the  Investment  Adviser from providing  investment  management and
advisory  services  to, or entering  into  investment  management  and  advisory
agreements with, other clients,  including other registered investment companies
and clients which may invest in securities of Mexican issuers, or from utilizing
(in providing such services)  information furnished to the Investment Adviser by
others as contemplated by Section 1 of this Agreement; nor, except as explicitly
provided  herein,  shall  anything  herein  be  construed  as  constituting  the
Investment Adviser an agent of the Fund.

     5. Limit of  Liability.  The  Investment  Adviser  may rely on  information
reasonably  believed by it to be accurate and reliable.  Neither the  Investment
Adviser nor its officers, directors, employees, agents or controlling persons as
defined  in the  1940 Act  shall  be  subject  to any  liability  for any act or
omission,  error of judgment or mistake of law, or for any loss  suffered by the
Fund,  in the course of,  connected  with or arising  out of any  services to be
rendered hereunder, except by reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  on the part of the  Investment  Adviser  in the  performance  of its
duties or by reason of reckless  disregard on the part of the Investment Adviser
of its obligations and duties under this Agreement. Any person, even though also
employed by the Investment Adviser, who may be or become an employee of the Fund
shall be deemed,  when acting within the scope of his employment by the Fund, to
be acting in such employment solely for the Fund and not as an employee or agent
of the Investment Adviser.

     6. Duration and  Termination.  This Agreement shall continue in effect from
year to year,  provided,  such  continuance  is  specifically  approved at least
annually by the affirmative  vote of (i) a majority of the members of the Fund's
Board of Directors  who are neither  parties to this  Agreement  nor  interested
persons of the Fund or of the  Investment  Adviser  or of any  entity  regularly
furnishing  investment advisory services with respect to the Fund pursuant to an
agreement  with the Investment  Adviser,  cast in person at a meeting called for
the purpose of voting on such approval,  and (ii) a majority of the Fund's Board
of Directors or the holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities
of the Fund.

     Notwithstanding   the  above,   this  Agreement  (a)  may  nevertheless  be
terminated at any time without  penalty,  by the Fund's Board of  Directors,  by
vote of holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund
or by the Investment  Adviser upon 60 days' written notice  delivered or sent to
the other party,  and (b) shall  automatically be terminated in the event of its
assignment;  provided, however, that a transaction which does not, in accordance
with the 1940 Act,  result in a change of actual  control or  management  of the
Investment  Adviser's  business  shall not be deemed to be an assignment for the
purposes of this Agreement.  Any such notice shall be deemed given when received
by the addressee.

     7.  Non-Assignment  and Amendment.  This Agreement may not be  transferred,
assigned,  sold or in any manner  hypothecated or pledged by either party hereto
other than  pursuant  to Section 6. It may be amended by mutual  agreement,  but
only after  authorization  of such amendment by the affirmative  vote of (i) the
holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund, and (ii)
a  majority  of the  members  of the  Fund's  Board  of  Directors  who  are not
interested  persons  of the Fund or of the  Investment  Adviser  or of an entity
regularly  furnishing  investment  advisory  services  with  respect to the Fund
pursuant  to any  agreement  with the  Investment  Adviser,  cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.

     8.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the  State of New  York;  provided,  however,  that
nothing  herein shall be construed as being  inconsistent  with the 1940 Act. As
used herein, the terms "interested person," "assignment" and "vote of a majority
of the outstanding  voting  securities" shall have the meanings set forth in the
1940 Act.

     9. Notices. Any notice hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered
in person or by telex or facsimile followed by delivery in person to the parties
at the addresses set forth below:

                           If to the Fund:

                           The Mexico Equity and Income Fund, Inc.
                           615 E. Michigan St., 2nd Floor
                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
                           Telephone:       (414) 765-5307
                           Facsimile:       (414) 276-8207
                           Attention:       Andrew P. Chica

                           with a copy to:

                           Spitzer & Feldman P.C.
                           405 Park Avenue
                           New York, NY 10022
                           Telephone:       (212) 888-6680
                           Facsimile:       (212) 838-7472
                           Attention:       Thomas R. Westle, Esq.

                           If to the Investment Adviser:

                           Acci Worldwide, S.A. de C.V.
                           Paseo de la Reforma 398
                           06600 Mexico, D.F.
                           Telephone:       52 5 2250765
                           Fax:             52 5 3264898
                           Attention:       Eugenia Pichardo, Director General

or to such other address as to which the recipient shall have informed the other
parties in writing.

     Unless  specifically  provided  elsewhere,  notice given as provided  above
shall be deemed to have been given, if by personal delivery,  on the day of such
delivery,  and,  if by telex or  facsimile  and mail,  on the date on which such
telex or facsimile and confirmatory letter are sent.

     10. Consent to Jurisdiction.  Each party hereto irrevocably agrees that any
suit,  action or proceeding  against the Investment  Adviser or the Fund arising
out of or  relating  to this  Agreement  shall  be  subject  exclusively  to the
jurisdiction  of the United States  District Court for the Southern  District of
New York and the Supreme  Court of the State of New York,  New York County,  and
each party hereto irrevocably  submits to the jurisdiction of each such court in
connection  with any such suit,  action or proceeding.  Each party hereto waives
any  objection to the laying of venue of any such suit,  action or proceeding in
either such court, and waives any claim that such suit, action or proceeding has
been brought in an inconvenient forum. Each party hereto irrevocably consents to
service of process in  connection  with any such suit,  action or  proceeding by
mailing a copy thereof registered or certified mail,  postage prepaid,  to their
respective addresses as set forth in this Agreement.

     11.   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  parties  have  caused  their  duly  authorized
signatories  to execute  this  Agreement  as of the day and year  first  written

                                 THE MEXICO EQUITY AND INCOME FUND, INC.


                                 ACCI WORLDWIDE, S.A. de C.V.


                                    EXHIBIT B

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


I.   The  Board  of  Directors  (the  "Board")  of the Fund  has  established  a
     committee of certain  independent  directors (the "Audit  Committee").  The
     objectives of the Audit Committee are:

     (a) to oversee the Fund's accounting and financial  reporting  policies and
practices,  its internal controls and, as appropriate,  the internal controls of
certain service providers;

     (b)  to  oversee  the  quality  and  objectivity  of the  Fund's  financial
statements and the independent audit thereof; and

     (c) to act as a liaison  between the Fund's  independent  auditors  and the
full Board.

II.  The  function  of the Audit  Committee  is  oversight;  it is  management's
     responsibility to maintain  appropriate systems for accounting and internal
     control,  and the auditor's  responsibility  to plan and carry out a proper


     I. To  carry  out its  objectives,  the  Audit  Committee  shall  have  the
following responsibilities:

     (a) to recommend the  selection,  retention or  termination  of independent
auditors  and, in  connection  therewith,  to evaluate the  independence  of the
auditors,  including whether the auditors provide any consulting services to the
investment manager(s),  and to receive the auditors' specific representations as
to their independence;

     (b) to meet with Fund's independent  auditors,  including private meetings,
as necessary,  (i) to review the  arrangements for and scope of the annual audit
and any special audits;  (ii) to discuss any matters of concern  relating to the
Fund's  financial  statements,  including  any  adjustments  to such  statements
recommended  by the  auditors,  or  other  results  of said  audit(s);  (iii) to
consider the auditors'  comments with respect to the Fund's financial  policies,
procedures and internal accounting controls and management's  responses thereto;
and (iv) to review  the form of  opinion  the  auditors  render to the Board and

     (c) to review significant  current financial reporting issues and practices
with management and the auditors and to consider the effect upon the Fund of any
changes in  accounting  principles  or practices  proposed by  management or the

     (d) to review the fees  charged  by the  auditors  for audit and  non-audit

     (e)  to  investigate  improprieties  or  suspected  improprieties  in  Fund

     (f) to review the Fund's process for monitoring  compliance with investment
restrictions and applicable laws and regulations and with the code of ethics;

     (g) to report its  activities  to the full Board on a regular  basis and to
made such  recommendations  with  respect to the above and other  matters as the
Audit Committee may deem necessary or appropriate; and

     (h) to review this Charter and recommend any changes to the full Board.

     II. The Audit  Committee  shall meet on a regular basis and is empowered to
hold  special  meetings as  circumstances  require.  The Audit  Committee  shall
regularly  meet with the Treasurer of the Fund and with  representatives  of the
management  company  and  other  service  providers  responsible  for  financial
reporting and controls.

     III. The Audit Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate
to discharge its  responsibilities,  including  the authority to retain  special
counsel and other experts or consultants at the expense of the Fund.