SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                         (Amendment No. ______________)

Filed by the Registrant    /X/
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   / /

Check the appropriate box:
/ /  Preliminary proxy statement
/ /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/X/  Definitive proxy statement
/ /  Definitive additional materials
/ /  Soliciting material pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-12

                          TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.     

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
     to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is 
     calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing party:

(4)  Date filed:


                         TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND


   These materials are for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for
February 24, 2006 at 12 Noon, Eastern time. The enclosed materials discuss the
proposal (the "Proposal") to be voted on at the meeting, and contain the Notice
of Meeting, proxy statement and proxy card. A proxy card is, in essence, a
ballot. When you vote your proxy, it tells us how you wish to vote on important
issues relating to Templeton Global Income Fund (the "Fund"). If you specify a
vote on the Proposal, your proxy will be voted as you indicate. If you simply
sign and date the proxy card, but do not specify a vote on the Proposal, your
proxy will be voted FOR the Proposal.

   We urge you to spend a few minutes reviewing the Proposal in the proxy
statement. Then, please fill out and sign the proxy card and return it to us so
that we know how you would like to vote. When shareholders return their proxies
promptly, the Fund may be able to save money by not having to conduct
additional mailings.

   We welcome your comments. If you have any questions, call Fund Information
at 1-800/DIAL BEN(R) (1-800-342-5236).

                         TELEPHONE AND INTERNET VOTING

  For your convenience, you may be able to vote by telephone or through the
  Internet, 24 hours a day. If your account is eligible, instructions are


                         TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND


   The Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of Templeton Global
Income Fund (the "Fund") will be held at the Fund's offices, 500 East Broward
Boulevard, 12th Floor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091 on February 24, 2006
at 12 Noon, Eastern time.

   During the Meeting, shareholders of the Fund will vote on the following

    .  The election of four Trustees of the Fund to hold office for the terms

                                          By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                          Robert C. Rosselot

January 18, 2006

  Please sign and promptly return the proxy card in the enclosed self-addressed
  envelope regardless of the number of shares you own.

                         TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND

                                PROXY STATEMENT


  Who is asking for my vote?

   The Trustees of Templeton Global Income Fund (the "Fund"), in connection
with the Fund's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, have requested your vote.

  Who is eligible to vote?

   Shareholders of record at the close of business on December 30, 2005 are
entitled to be present and to vote at the Meeting or any adjourned Meeting.
Each share of record is entitled to one vote (and a proportionate fractional
vote for each fractional share) on each matter presented at the Meeting. The
Notice of Meeting, the proxy card, and the proxy statement were first mailed to
shareholders of record on or about January 18, 2006.

  On what issue am I being asked to vote?

   You are being asked to vote on the election of four nominees to the position
of Trustee.

  How do the Fund's Trustees recommend that I vote?

   The Trustees unanimously recommend that you vote FOR the election of the
four nominees.

  How do I ensure that my vote is accurately recorded?

   You may attend the Meeting and vote in person or you may complete and return
the enclosed proxy card. If you are eligible to vote by telephone or through
the Internet, instructions are enclosed.

   Proxy cards that are properly signed, dated and received at or prior to the
Meeting will be voted as specified. If you specify a vote on the Proposal, your
proxy will be voted as you indicate. If you simply sign, date and return the
proxy card, but do not specify a vote on the Proposal, your shares will be
voted FOR the election of all nominees as Trustee.

  May I revoke my proxy?

   You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted by forwarding a
written revocation or a later-dated proxy to the Fund that is received by the
Fund at or prior to the Meeting, or by attending the Meeting and voting in

  What if my shares are held in a brokerage account?

   If your shares are held by your broker, then in order to vote in person at
the Meeting, you will need to obtain a "Legal Proxy" from your broker and
present it to the Inspector of Election at the Meeting.


  How are nominees selected?

   The Board of Trustees of the Fund (the "Board" or the "Trustees") has a
Nominating Committee consisting of Edith E. Holiday (Chairman), Frank J.
Crothers, Gordon S. Macklin and Frank A. Olson, none of whom is an "interested
person" of the Fund as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"). Trustees who are not interested persons of the Fund
are referred to as the "Independent Trustees," and Trustees who are interested
persons of the Fund are referred to as the "Interested Trustees."

   The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting candidates to serve as
Trustees and recommending such candidates (a) for selection and nomination as
Independent Trustees by the incumbent Independent Trustees and the full Board;
and (b) for selection and nomination as Interested Trustees by the full Board.
In considering a candidate's qualifications, the Nominating Committee generally
considers the potential candidate's educational background, business or
professional experience, and reputation. In addition, the Nominating Committee
has established as minimum qualifications for Board membership as an
Independent Trustee (1) that such candidate be independent from relationships
with the Fund's investment manager and other principal service providers both
within the terms and the spirit of the statutory independence requirements
specified under the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder, (2) that such candidate
demonstrate an ability and willingness to make the considerable time
commitment, including personal attendance at Board meetings, believed necessary
to his or her function as an effective Board member, and (3) that such
candidate have no continuing relationship as a director, officer or board
member of any investment company other than those within the Franklin Templeton
Investments fund complex.

   When the Board has or expects to have a vacancy, the Nominating Committee
receives and reviews information on individuals qualified to be recommended to
the full Board as nominees for election as Trustees, including any
recommendations by "Qualifying Fund Shareholders" (as defined below). Such
individuals are evaluated based upon the criteria described above. To date, the
Nominating Committee has been able to identify, and expects to continue to be
able to identify, from its own resources an ample number of qualified
candidates. The Nominating Committee, however, will review recommendations from
Qualifying Fund Shareholders to fill vacancies on the Board if these
recommendations are submitted in writing and addressed to the Nominating
Committee at the Fund's offices and are presented with appropriate background
material concerning the candidate that demonstrates his or her ability to serve
as a Trustee, including as an Independent Trustee, of the Fund. A Qualifying
Fund Shareholder is a shareholder who (i) has continuously owned of record, or
beneficially through a financial intermediary, shares of the Fund having a net
asset value of not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000)
during the twenty-four month period prior to submitting the recommendation; and
(ii) provides a written notice to the Nominating Committee containing the
following information: (a) the name and address of the Qualifying Fund
Shareholder making the recommendation; (b) the number of shares of the Fund
which are owned of record and beneficially by such Qualifying Fund Shareholder
and the length of time that such shares have been so owned by the Qualifying
Fund Shareholder; (c) a description of all arrangements and understandings
between such Qualifying Fund Shareholder and any other person or persons
(naming such person or persons) pursuant to which the recommendation is being
made; (d) the name, age, date of birth, business address and residence address
of the person or persons being recommended; (e) such other information
regarding each person recommended by such Qualifying Fund Shareholder as would
be required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy
rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") had the nominee
been nominated by the Board; (f) whether the shareholder making the
recommendation believes the person recommended would or would not be an
"interested person" of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act; and (g) the
written consent of each person recommended to serve as a Trustee of the Fund if
so nominated and elected/appointed.


   The Nominating Committee may amend these procedures from time to time,
including the procedures relating to the evaluation of nominees and the process
for submitting recommendations to the Nominating Committee.

   The Board has adopted and approved a formal written charter for the
Nominating Committee. A copy of the charter was included in the Fund's proxy
statement for its 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

  Who are the nominees and Trustees?

   The Board is divided into three classes. Each class has a term of three
years. Each year the term of office of one class expires. This year, the terms
of three Trustees expire. Harris J. Ashton, S. Joseph Fortunato and David W.
Niemiec have been nominated for three-year terms, set to expire at the 2009
Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Additionally, Larry D. Thompson has been
nominated for a one-year term, set to expire at the 2007 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders. These terms continue, however, until successors are duly elected
and qualified. All of the nominees are currently members of the Board and are
considered Independent Trustees; however, Messrs. Niemiec and Thompson are
standing for election by shareholders of the Fund for the first time. A former
Interested Trustee and an incumbent Independent Trustee recommended Messrs.
Niemiec and Thompson, respectively, for consideration by the Nominating
Committee as nominees for Trustee. In addition, all of the current nominees and
Trustees are also directors or trustees of other Franklin(R) funds and/or
Templeton(R) funds.

   Certain Trustees of the Fund hold director and/or officer positions with
Franklin Resources, Inc. ("Resources") and its affiliates. Resources is a
publicly owned holding company, the principal shareholders of which are Charles
B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., who owned approximately 17.66% and
14.97%, respectively, of its outstanding shares as of August 31, 2005.
Resources, a global investment management organization operating as Franklin
Templeton Investments, is primarily engaged, through various subsidiaries, in
providing investment management, share distribution, transfer agent and
administrative services to a family of investment companies. Resources is a New
York Stock Exchange, Inc. ("NYSE") listed holding company (NYSE: BEN). Charles
B. Johnson, Chairman of the Board, Trustee and Vice President of the Fund, and
Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., Vice President of the Fund, are brothers. There are no
family relationships among any of the Trustees or nominees for Trustee.

   Each nominee currently is available and has consented to serve if elected.
If any of the nominees should become unavailable, the designated proxy holders
will vote in their discretion for another person or persons who may be
nominated as Trustees.

   Listed below, for the nominees and Trustees, are their names, ages and
addresses, as well as their positions and length of service with the Fund,
principal occupations during the past five years, the number of portfolios in
the Franklin Templeton Investments fund complex that they oversee, and other
directorships held by the nominee or Trustee.


Nominees for Independent Trustee to serve until 2009 Annual Meeting of

                                                                 Number of
                                                               Portfolios in
                                                               Fund Complex
                                               Length of        Overseen by
Name, Age and Address           Position      Time Served        Trustee*        Other Directorships Held
Harris J. Ashton (73)           Trustee       Since 1992            142          Director, Bar-S Foods
 500 East Broward Blvd.                                                          (meat packing company).
 Suite 2100
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Director of various companies; and formerly, Director, RBC Holdings, Inc. (bank holding company) (until
2002); and President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, General Host Corporation (nursery
and craft centers) (until 1998).

S. Joseph Fortunato (73)        Trustee       Since 1992            141                    None
 500 East Broward Blvd.
 Suite 2100
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Attorney; and formerly, member of the law firm of Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch (until 2002) (Consultant

David W. Niemiec (56)           Trustee          Since              17           Director, Emeritus Corp.
 500 East Broward Blvd.                      October 2005                        (assisted living).
 Suite 2100
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Advisor, Saratoga Partners (private equity fund); Director, various private companies; and formerly, Managing
Director, Saratoga Partners (1998-2001); Managing Director, SBC Warburg Dillon Read (investment banking)
(1997-1998); and Vice Chairman, Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. (1991-1997); and Chief Financial Officer, Dillon,
Read & Co. Inc. (1982-1997).

Nominee for Independent Trustee to serve until 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

Larry D. Thompson (60)          Trustee      Since October          16                     None
 500 East Broward Blvd.                          2005
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Senior Vice President-Government Affairs, General Counsel and Secretary, PepsiCo, Inc. (consumer products);
and formerly, Director, Delta Airlines (aviation) (2003-2005) and Providian Financial Corp. (1997-2001);
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute (2003-2004); and Deputy Attorney General, U. S. Department of Justice


                                                                 Number of
                                                               Portfolios in
                                                               Fund Complex
                                                 Length of      Overseen by
Name, Age and Address               Position    Time Served      Trustee*          Other Directorships Held

Independent Trustees serving until 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

Edith E. Holiday (53)               Trustee     Since 1996          136         Director, Amerada Hess
 500 East Broward Blvd.                                                         Corporation (exploration and
 Suite 2100                                                                     refining of oil and gas), H.J.
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091                                                 Heinz Company (processed
                                                                                foods and allied products), RTI
                                                                                International Metals, Inc.
                                                                                (manufacture and distribution
                                                                                of titanium), Canadian National
                                                                                Railway (railroad) and White
                                                                                Mountains Insurance Group,
                                                                                Ltd. (holding company).

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Director or Trustee of various companies and trusts; and formerly, Assistant to the President of the United States
and Secretary of the Cabinet (1990-1993); General Counsel to the United States Treasury Department (1989-
1990); and Counselor to the Secretary and Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Public Liaison-United
States Treasury Department (1988-1989).

Gordon S. Macklin (77)              Trustee     Since 1993          140         Director, Martek Biosciences
 500 East Broward Blvd.                                                         Corporation, MedImmune, Inc.
 Suite 2100                                                                     (biotechnology) and
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091                                        (Internet
                                                                                services); and formerly,
                                                                                Director, MCI Communication
                                                                                Corporation (subsequently
                                                                                known as MCI WorldCom, Inc.
                                                                                and WorldCom, Inc.)
                                                                                (communications services)
                                                                                (1988-2002), White Mountains
                                                                                Insurance Group, Ltd. (holding
                                                                                company) (1987-2004) and
                                                                                Spacehab, Inc. (aerospace
                                                                                services) (1994-2003).

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Director of various companies; and formerly, Deputy Chairman, White Mountains Insurance Group, Ltd. (2001-
2004); Chairman, White River Corporation (financial services) (1993-1998) and Hambrecht & Quist Group
(investment banking) (1987-1992); and President, National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (1970-1987).


                                                              Number of
                                                            Portfolios in
                                                            Fund Complex
                                                Length of    Overseen by
Name, Age and Address               Position   Time Served    Trustee*        Other Directorships Held
Frank A. Olson (73)                 Trustee    Since 2003        101       Director, White Mountains
 500 East Broward Blvd.                                                    Insurance Group, Ltd. (holding
 Suite 2100                                                                company), Amerada Hess
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091                                            Corporation (exploration and
                                                                           refining of oil and gas) and
                                                                           Sentient Jet (private jet
                                                                           service); and formerly,
                                                                           Director, Becton Dickinson and
                                                                           Company (medical
                                                                           technology), Cooper Industries,
                                                                           Inc. (electrical products and
                                                                           tools and hardware), Health
                                                                           Net, Inc. (formerly, Foundation
                                                                           Health) (integrated managed
                                                                           care), The Hertz Corporation
                                                                           (car rental), Pacific Southwest
                                                                           Airlines, The RCA
                                                                           Corporation, Unicom
                                                                           (formerly, Commonwealth
                                                                           Edison) and UAL Corporation

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Chairman Emeritus, The Hertz Corporation (since 2000) (Chairman of the Board (1980-2000) and Chief
Executive Officer (1977-1999)); and formerly, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer,
UAL Corporation.

Constantine D. Tseretopoulos (51)   Trustee    Since 1999         20                    None
 500 East Broward Blvd.
 Suite 2100
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Physician, Lyford Cay Hospital (1987-present); director of various nonprofit organizations; and formerly,
Cardiology Fellow, University of Maryland (1985-1987) and Internal Medicine Resident, Greater Baltimore
Medical Center (1982-1985).


Independent Trustee serving until 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

                                                                          Number of
                                                                        Portfolios in
                                                                        Fund Complex
                                                         Length of       Overseen by
Name, Age and Address                      Position     Time Served       Trustee*       Other Directorships Held
Frank J. Crothers (61)                      Trustee      Since 1999           20                   None
 500 East Broward Blvd.
 Suite 2100
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Chairman, Island Corporate Holding Ltd.; Director and Vice Chairman, Caribbean Utilities Co. Limited;
Director, Provo Power Company Ltd.; director of various other business and nonprofit organizations; and
formerly, Chairman, Atlantic Equipment & Power Ltd. (1977-2003).

Interested Trustee serving until 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

**Charles B. Johnson (71) One              Chairman       Chairman           140                   None
  Franklin Parkway                          of the         of the
  San Mateo, CA 94403-1906                  Board,      Board since
                                            Trustee       1995 and
                                              and       Trustee and
                                             Vice      Vice President
                                           President     since 1992

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Chairman of the Board, Member--Office of the Chairman and Director, Franklin Resources, Inc.; Vice
President, Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.; Director, Fiduciary Trust Company International; and officer
and/or director or trustee, as the case may be, of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc. and of
42 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.

 * We base the number of portfolios on each separate series of the U.S.
   registered investment companies within the Franklin Templeton Investments
   fund complex. These portfolios have a common investment adviser or
   affiliated investment advisers, and also may share a common underwriter.

** Charles B. Johnson is an "interested person" of the Fund as defined by the
   1940 Act. The 1940 Act limits the percentage of interested persons that can
   comprise a fund's board of trustees. Mr. Johnson is considered an interested
   person of the Fund due to his position as an officer and director and major
   shareholder of Resources, which is the parent company of the Fund's
   Investment Manager, and his position with the Fund. The remaining Trustees
   of the Fund are Independent Trustees. The nominees for Independent Trustee
   and the other Independent Trustees were determined by the full Board of
   Trustees to be independent for purposes of the listing standards of the
   Pacific Exchange Inc. because each of these nominees and Trustees is not an
   "interested person" of the Fund as defined by the 1940 Act.

   The following tables provide the dollar range of the equity securities of
the Fund and of all funds overseen by the Trustees in the Franklin Templeton
Investments fund complex beneficially owned by the Trustees as of December 31,


Independent Trustees:

                                                       Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity
                                                    Securities in all Funds Overseen by the
                             Dollar Range of Equity    Trustee in the Franklin Templeton
Name of Trustee              Securities in the Fund        Investments Fund Complex
---------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------
Harris J. Ashton............      $1-$10,000                     Over $100,000
Frank J. Crothers...........         None                        Over $100,000
S. Joseph Fortunato.........      $1-$10,000                     Over $100,000
Edith E. Holiday............      $1-$10,000                     Over $100,000
Gordon S. Macklin...........     Over $100,000                   Over $100,000
David W. Niemiec............         None                        Over $100,000
Frank A. Olson..............         None                        Over $100,000
Larry D. Thompson...........         None                            None
Constantine D. Tseretopoulos         None                        Over $100,000

Interested Trustee:

                                             Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity
                                          Securities in all Funds Overseen by the
                   Dollar Range of Equity    Trustee in the Franklin Templeton
Name of Trustee    Securities in the Fund        Investments Fund Complex
------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------------------------
Charles B. Johnson    $10,001-$50,000                  Over $100,000

  How often do the Trustees meet and what are they paid?

   The role of the Trustees is to provide general oversight of the Fund's
business, and to ensure that the Fund is operated for the benefit of all
shareholders. The Trustees anticipate meeting at least five times during the
current fiscal year to review the operations of the Fund and the Fund's
investment performance. The Trustees also oversee the services furnished to the
Fund by Franklin Advisers, Inc., the Fund's investment manager (the "Investment
Manager"), and various other service providers. The Fund currently pays the
Independent Trustees an annual retainer of $4,000 and a fee of $500 per Board
meeting attended. Trustees serving on the Audit Committee of the Fund and other
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments receive a flat fee of
$2,000 per Audit Committee meeting attended, a portion of which is allocated to
the Fund. Members of a committee are not compensated for any committee meeting
held on the day of a Board meeting.

   During the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005, there were six meetings of the
Board, three meetings of the Audit Committee, and five meetings of the
Nominating Committee. Each Trustee then in office attended at least 75% of the
aggregate of the total number of meetings of the Board and the total number of
meetings held by all committees of the Board on which the Trustee served with
the exception of Mr. Macklin who missed two Board meetings and three Nominating
Committee meetings due to illness. The Fund does not currently have a formal
policy regarding Trustees' attendance at the annual shareholders' meeting. No
Trustees attended the Fund's last annual meeting held on February 25, 2005.

   Certain Trustees and officers of the Fund are shareholders of Resources and
may receive indirect remuneration due to their participation in management fees
and other fees received by the Investment Manager and its affiliates from the
funds in Franklin Templeton Investments. The Investment Manager or its
affiliates pay the salaries and expenses of the officers. No pension or
retirement benefits are accrued as part of Fund expenses.


   The table below indicates the total fees paid to Independent Trustees by the
Fund individually and by all of the funds in Franklin Templeton Investments.
These Trustees also serve as directors or trustees of other funds in Franklin
Templeton Investments, many of which hold meetings at different dates and
times. The Trustees and the Fund's management believe that having the same
individuals serving on the boards of many of the funds in Franklin Templeton
Investments enhances the ability of each fund to obtain, at a relatively modest
cost to each separate fund, the services of high caliber, experienced and
knowledgeable Independent Trustees who can more effectively oversee the
management of the funds.

                                                                                Number of Boards within
                                                     Total Compensation from       Franklin Templeton
                             Aggregate Compensation     Franklin Templeton      Investments Fund Complex
Name of Trustee                  from the Fund*     Investments Fund Complex** on which Trustee Serves***
Harris J. Ashton............         $6,673                  $404,038                      42
Frank J. Crothers...........          7,517                   151,466                      14
S. Joseph Fortunato.........          7,371                   406,036                      43
Edith E. Holiday............          7,371                   403,749                      41
Gordon S. Macklin...........          6,371                   379,002                      42
Fred R. Millsaps****........          7,517                   225,466                       0
David W. Niemiec*****.......              0                    42,687                      13
Frank A. Olson..............          7,517                   231,486                      27
Larry D. Thompson*****......              0                    35,187                      12
Constantine D. Tseretopoulos          7,517                   151,466                      14

     * Compensation received for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005.
    ** Compensation received for the calendar year ended December 31, 2005.
   *** We base the number of boards on the number of U.S. registered investment
       companies in the Franklin Templeton Investments fund complex. This
       number does not include the total number of series or funds within each
       investment company for which the Board members are responsible. Franklin
       Templeton Investments currently includes 47 U.S. registered investment
       companies, with approximately 153 U.S. based funds or series.
  **** Mr. Millsaps retired effective December 31, 2005.
 ***** Messrs. Niemiec and Thompson were appointed to the Board in October 2005.

   Board members historically have followed a policy of having substantial
investments in one or more of the funds in Franklin Templeton Investments, as
is consistent with their individual financial goals. In February 1998, this
policy was formalized through adoption of a requirement that each board member
invest one-third of the fees received for serving as a director or trustee of a
Templeton fund in shares of one or more Templeton funds and one-third of the
fees received for serving as a director or trustee of a Franklin fund in shares
of one or more Franklin funds until the value of such investments equals or
exceeds five times the annual fees paid to such board member. Investments in
the name of family members or entities controlled by a board member constitute
fund holdings of such board member for purposes of this policy, and a
three-year phase-in period applies to such investment requirements for newly
elected board members.


  Who are the Executive Officers of the Fund?

   Officers of the Fund are appointed by the Trustees and serve at the pleasure
of the Board. Listed below, for the Executive Officers, are their names, ages
and addresses, as well as their positions and length of service with the Fund,
and principal occupations during the past five years.

Name, Age and Address               Position             Length of Time Served
Charles B. Johnson           Chairman of the Board,         Chairman of the
                                Trustee and Vice         Board since 1995 and
                                   President               Trustee and Vice
                                                         President since 1992

Please refer to the table "Interested Trustee serving until 2007 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders" for additional information about Mr. Charles B.

Christopher J. Molumphy       President and Chief             Since 2002
  (43) One Franklin                Executive
  Parkway San Mateo,          Officer--Investment
  CA 94403-1906                    Management

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Executive Vice President, Franklin Advisers, Inc.; and officer of six of the
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.

Rupert H. Johnson, Jr.           Vice President               Since 1996
  (65) One Franklin
  Parkway San Mateo,
  CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice Chairman, Member--Office of the Chairman and Director, Franklin
Resources, Inc.; Vice President and Director, Franklin Templeton Distributors,
Inc.; Director, Franklin Advisers, Inc.; Senior Vice President, Franklin
Advisory Services, LLC; and officer and/or director or trustee, as the case
may be, of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc. and of
45 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.

Harmon E. Burns (60) One         Vice President               Since 1996
  Franklin Parkway San
  Mateo, CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice Chairman, Member--Office of the Chairman and Director, Franklin
Resources, Inc.; Vice President and Director, Franklin Templeton Distributors,
Inc.; Executive Vice President, Franklin Advisers, Inc.; and officer and/or
director or trustee, as the case may be, of some of the other subsidiaries of
Franklin Resources, Inc. and of 45 of the investment companies in Franklin
Templeton Investments.


Name, Age and Address                         Position             Length of Time Served
Jimmy D. Gambill (58) 500               Senior Vice President           Since 2002
  East Broward                           and Chief Executive
  Blvd. Suite                           Officer-- Finance and
  2100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3091      Administration

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
President, Franklin Templeton Services, LLC; Senior Vice President, Templeton
Worldwide, Inc.; and officer of 47 of the investment companies in Franklin
Templeton Investments.

Jeffrey A. Everett                         Vice President               Since 2001
  (41) P. O. Box
  N-7759 Lyford Cay,
  Nassau Bahamas

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
President and Director, Templeton Global Advisors Limited; officer of 14 of the
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.

John R. Kay (65) 500 East                  Vice President               Since 1994
  Broward Blvd. Suite
  2100 Fort Lauderdale,
  FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice President, Templeton Worldwide, Inc.; Assistant Vice President, Franklin
Templeton Distributors, Inc.; Senior Vice President, Franklin Templeton
Services, LLC; and officer of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin
Resources, Inc. and of 32 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton
Investments; and formerly, Vice President and Controller, Keystone Group, Inc.

Craig S. Tyle (45) One                     Vice President           Since October 2005
  Franklin Parkway San                 and Assistant Secretary
  Mateo, CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Franklin Resources, Inc.; officer
of 47 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and
formerly, Partner, Shearman & Sterling, LLP (2004-2005); and General Counsel,
Investment Company Institute (ICI) (1997-2004).


Name, Age and Address              Position              Length of Time Served
Barbara J. Green                Vice President         Vice President since 2000
  (58) One Franklin         and Assistant Secretary     and Assistant Secretary
  Parkway San Mateo,                                          since 2004
  CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Secretary, Franklin Resources,
Inc.; Secretary and Senior Vice President, Templeton Worldwide, Inc.;
Secretary, Franklin Advisers, Inc., Franklin Advisory Services, LLC, Franklin
Investment Advisory Services, LLC, Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, Franklin
Templeton Alternative Strategies, Inc., Franklin Templeton Investor Services,
LLC, Franklin Templeton Services, LLC, Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.,
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC and Templeton/Franklin Investment Services,
Inc.; and officer of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources,
Inc. and of 47 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments;
and formerly, Deputy Director, Division of Investment Management, Executive
Assistant and Senior Advisor to the Chairman, Counselor to the Chairman,
Special Counsel and Attorney Fellow, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(1986-1995); Attorney, Rogers & Wells (until 1986); and Judicial Clerk, U.S.
District Court (District of Massachusetts) (until 1979).

David P. Goss (58) One          Vice President                Since 2000
  Franklin Parkway San      and Assistant Secretary
  Mateo, CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Senior Associate General Counsel, Franklin Resources, Inc.; officer and
director of one of the subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc.; officer of 47
of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and formerly,
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Property Resources Equity
Trust (until 1999) and Franklin Select Realty Trust (until 2000).

Michael O. Magdol             Vice President--AML             Since 2002
  (68) 600 Fifth                  Compliance
  Avenue Rockefeller
  Center New York,
  NY 10028-2302

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice Chairman, Chief Banking Officer and Director, Fiduciary Trust Company
International; Director, Franklin Templeton Institutional Suisse S.A., Arch
Chemicals, Inc. and Lingnan Foundation; and officer and/or director, as the
case may be, of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc. and
of 45 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.


Name, Age and Address              Position              Length of Time Served
Robert C. Rosselot                 Secretary                  Since 2004
  (45) 500 East Broward
  Blvd. Suite 2100 Fort
  FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Associate General Counsel and Assistant Secretary, Franklin Resources, Inc.;
Vice President and Assistant Secretary, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC and
Fiduciary Trust International of the South; officer of 14 of the investment
companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and formerly, Assistant General
Counsel, The Prudential Insurance Company of America (1997-2001).

Galen G. Vetter (54) 500    Chief Financial Officer           Since 2004
  East Broward               and Chief Accounting
  Blvd. Suite 2100 Fort             Officer
  FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Senior Vice President, Franklin Templeton Services, LLC; officer of 47 of the
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and formerly, Managing
Director, RSM McGladrey, Inc. (1999-2004); and Partner, McGladrey & Pullen,
LLP (1979-1987 and 1991-2004).

Gregory R. Seward                  Treasurer                  Since 2004
  (49) 500 East Broward
  Blvd. Suite 2100 Fort
  FL 33394-3091

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Vice President, Franklin Templeton Services, LLC; officer of 16 of the
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and formerly, Vice
President, JPMorgan Chase (2000-2004) and American General Financial Group

James M. Davis (53) One    Chief Compliance Officer           Since 2004
  Franklin Parkway San
  Mateo, CA 94403-1906

Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:
Director, Global Compliance, Franklin Resources, Inc.; officer of 47 of the
investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments; and formerly, Director
of Compliance, Franklin Resources, Inc. (1994-2001).



   The Investment Manager.  The Investment Manager of the Fund is Franklin
Advisers, Inc., a California corporation with offices at One Franklin Parkway,
San Mateo, California 94403-1906. Pursuant to an investment management
agreement, the Investment Manager manages the investment and reinvestment of
Fund assets. The Investment Manager is a wholly owned subsidiary of Resources.

   The Administrator.  The administrator of the Fund is Franklin Templeton
Services, LLC ("FT Services") with offices at 500 East Broward Boulevard, Suite
2100, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091. FT Services is an indirect, wholly
owned subsidiary of Resources and an affiliate of the Investment Manager.
Pursuant to an administration agreement, FT Services performs certain
administrative functions for the Fund.

   The Transfer Agent.  The transfer agent, registrar and dividend disbursement
agent for the Fund is Mellon Investor Services LLC, 480 Washington Boulevard,
Jersey City, New Jersey 07310.

   The Custodian.  The custodian for the Fund is JPMorgan Chase Bank, MetroTech
Center, Brooklyn, New York 11245.

   Other Matters.  The Fund's last audited financial statements and annual
report for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005 are available free of charge.
To obtain a copy, please call 1-800/DIAL BEN(R) (1-800-342-5236) or forward a
written request to Franklin Templeton Investor Services, LLC, P.O. Box 33030,
St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-8030.

   Principal Shareholders.  As of December 30, 2005, the Fund had 129,978,867
shares outstanding and total net assets of $1,109,642,530.11. The Fund's shares
are listed on the NYSE (NYSE: GIM) and on the Pacific Exchange, Inc. From time
to time, the number of shares held in "street name" accounts of various
securities dealers for the benefit of their clients may exceed 5% of the total
shares outstanding. To the knowledge of the Fund's management, as of
December 30, 2005, there were no other entities holding beneficially or of
record more than 5% of the Fund's outstanding shares.

   In addition, to the knowledge of the Fund's management, as of December 30,
2005, no nominee or Trustee of the Fund owned 1% or more of the outstanding
shares of the Fund, and the Trustees and officers of the Fund owned, as a
group, less than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

   Contacting the Board of Trustees.  If a shareholder wishes to send a
communication to the Board, such correspondence should be in writing and
addressed to the Board of Trustees at the Fund's offices, 500 East Broward
Boulevard, Suite 2100, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091, Attention:
Secretary. The correspondence will be given to the Board for review and


   Audit Committee and Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.  The
Fund's Audit Committee is responsible for the appointment, compensation and
retention of the Fund's independent registered public accounting firm
("auditors"), including evaluating their independence, recommending the
selection of the Fund's auditors to the full Board, and meeting with such
auditors to consider and review matters relating to the Fund's financial
reports and internal accounting. The Audit Committee is currently comprised of
Messrs. Crothers, Niemiec, Olson and Tseretopoulos, all of whom are Independent
Trustees and also are considered to be "independent" as that term is defined by
the listing standards applicable to the Fund.


   Selection of Auditors.  The Audit Committee and the Board have selected the
firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") as auditors of the Fund for the
current fiscal year. Representatives of PwC are not expected to be present at
the Meeting, but will have the opportunity to make a statement if they wish,
and will be available should any matter arise requiring their presence.

   Audit Fees.  The aggregate fees paid to PwC for professional services
rendered by PwC for the audit of the Fund's annual financial statements or for
services that are normally provided by PwC in connection with statutory and
regulatory filings or engagements were $72,627 for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 2005 and $15,659 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2004.

   Audit-Related Fees.  There were no fees paid to PwC for assurance and
related services by PwC that are reasonably related to the performance of the
audit or review of the Fund's financial statements and not reported under
"Audit Fees" above.

   In addition, the Audit Committee pre-approves PwC's engagement for
audit-related services with the Investment Manager and certain entities
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Investment Manager
that provide ongoing services to the Fund, which engagements relate directly to
the operations and financial reporting of the Fund. The fees for these services
were $0 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005 and $48,579 for the fiscal
year ended August 31, 2004. The services for which these fees were paid
included attestation services.

   Tax Fees.  PwC did not render any tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning
services ("tax services") to the Fund for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005
or for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2004.

   In addition, the Audit Committee pre-approves PwC's engagement for tax
services to be provided to the Investment Manager and certain entities
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Investment Manager
that provide ongoing services to the Fund, which engagements relate directly to
the operations and financial reporting of the Fund. The fees for these services
were $19,591 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005 and $0 for the fiscal
year ended August 31, 2004. The services for which these fees were paid
included tax compliance and advice.

   All Other Fees.  The aggregate fees paid for products and services provided
by PwC to the Fund, other than the services reported above, were $0 for the
fiscal year ended August 31, 2005 and $554 for the fiscal year ended August 31,
2004. The services for which these fees were paid included review of materials
provided to the Board in connection with the investment management contract
renewal process.

   In addition, the Audit Committee pre-approves PwC's engagement for other
services with the Investment Manager and certain entities controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with the Investment Manager that provide
ongoing services to the Fund, which engagements relate directly to the
operations and financial reporting of the Fund. The aggregate fees paid to PwC
for such other services and not reported above were $0 for the Fund's fiscal
year ended August 31, 2005 and $99,446 for the fiscal year ended August 31,
2004. The services for which these fees were paid included review of materials
provided to the Board in connection with the investment management contract
renewal process.

   Aggregate Non-Audit Fees.  The aggregate fees paid to PwC for non-audit
services to the Fund and to the Investment Manager or to any entity
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Investment Manager
that provide ongoing services to the Fund were $19,591 for the fiscal year
ended August 31, 2005 and $148,579 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2004.


   The Audit Committee has determined that the provision of the non-audit
services that were rendered to the Investment Manager and to any entities
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Investment Manager
that provide services to the Fund is compatible with maintaining PwC's

   Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures.  As of the date of
this proxy statement, the Audit Committee has not adopted written pre-approval
policies and procedures. As a result, all such services described above and
provided by PwC must be directly pre-approved by the Audit Committee.

   Audit Committee Report.  The Board has adopted and approved a formal written
charter for the Audit Committee, which sets forth the Audit Committee's
responsibilities. A copy of the charter was included in the Fund's proxy
statement for its 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

   As required by the charter, the Audit Committee reviewed the Fund's audited
financial statements and met with management, as well as with PwC, the Fund's
auditors, to discuss the financial statements.

   The Audit Committee received the written disclosures and the letter from PwC
required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1. The Audit Committee
also received the report of PwC regarding the results of their audit. In
connection with their review of the financial statements and the auditors'
report, the members of the Audit Committee discussed with a representative of
PwC, PwC's independence, as well as the following: the auditors'
responsibilities in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; the
auditors' responsibilities for information prepared by management that
accompanies the Fund's audited financial statements and any procedures
performed and the results; the initial selection of, and whether there were any
changes in, significant accounting policies or their application; management's
judgments and accounting estimates; whether there were any significant audit
adjustments; whether there were any disagreements with management; whether
there was any consultation with other accountants; whether there were any major
issues discussed with management prior to the auditors' retention; whether the
auditors encountered any difficulties in dealing with management in performing
the audit; and the auditors' judgments about the quality of the Fund's
accounting principles.

   Based on its review and discussions with management and the Fund's auditors,
the Audit Committee did not become aware of any material misstatements or
omissions in the financial statements. Accordingly, the Audit Committee
recommended to the Board that the audited financial statements be included in
the Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended August 31,
2005 for filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                      AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                      Fred R. Millsaps (Chairman through
                                        December 31, 2005)
                                      Frank J. Crothers
                                      Frank A. Olson
                                      Constantine D. Tseretopoulos


   Solicitation of Proxies.  Your vote is being solicited by the Trustees. The
cost of soliciting proxies, including the fees of a proxy soliciting agent, is
borne by the Fund. The Fund reimburses brokerage firms and others for their
expenses in forwarding proxy material to the beneficial owners and soliciting
them to execute


proxies. In addition, the Fund may retain a professional proxy solicitation
firm to assist with any necessary solicitation of proxies. The Fund expects
that the solicitation would be primarily by mail, but may also include
telephone, facsimile, electronic or other means of communication. If the Fund
does not receive your proxy by a certain time you may receive a telephone call
from a proxy soliciting agent asking you to vote. If professional proxy
solicitors are retained, it is expected that soliciting fees would be
approximately $5,000, plus expenses. The Fund does not reimburse Trustees and
officers of the Fund, or regular employees and agents of the Investment Manager
involved in the solicitation of proxies. The Fund intends to pay all costs
associated with the solicitation and the Meeting.

   Voting by Broker-Dealers.  The Fund expects that, before the Meeting,
broker-dealer firms holding shares of the Fund in "street name" for their
customers will request voting instructions from their customers and beneficial
owners. If these instructions are not received by the date specified in the
broker-dealer firms' proxy solicitation materials, the Fund understands that
NYSE Rules permit the broker-dealers to vote on the Proposal on behalf of their
customers and beneficial owners. Certain broker-dealers may exercise discretion
over shares held in their name for which no instructions are received by voting
these shares in the same proportion as they vote shares for which they received

   Quorum.  A majority of the Fund's shares entitled to vote--present in person
or represented by proxy--constitutes a quorum at the Meeting. The shares over
which broker-dealers have discretionary voting power, the shares that represent
"broker non-votes" (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees as to which
(i) instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or persons
entitled to vote and (ii) the broker or nominee does not have discretionary
voting power on a particular matter), and the shares whose proxies reflect an
abstention on any item will all be counted as shares present and entitled to
vote for purposes of determining whether the required quorum of shares exists.

   Method of Tabulation.  The Proposal to elect Trustees requires the
affirmative vote of not less than a plurality of the votes cast of the holders
of shares entitled to vote present in person or represented by proxy at a
meeting at which a quorum is present. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be
treated as votes present at the Meeting, but will not be treated as votes cast.
Abstentions and broker non-votes, therefore, will have no effect on the

   Simultaneous Meetings.  The Meeting is to be held at the same time as the
annual meetings of shareholders of Templeton Emerging Markets Fund and
Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund. If any shareholder at the Meeting
objects to the holding of simultaneous meetings and moves for an adjournment of
the Meeting to a time promptly after the simultaneous meetings, the persons
designated as proxies will vote in favor of such adjournment.

   Adjournment.  The Chairman of the Board or other authorized officer of the
Fund for the Meeting, or the holders of a majority of the shares present (in
person or by proxy) and entitled to vote at the Meeting, may adjourn the
Meeting from time to time. Such authority to adjourn the Meeting may be used in
the event that a quorum is not present at the Meeting or, in the event that a
quorum is present but sufficient votes have not been received to approve the
Proposal, or for any other reason consistent with Delaware law and the Fund's
By-Laws, including to allow for the further solicitation of proxies. Unless
otherwise instructed by a shareholder granting a proxy, the persons designated
as proxies may use their discretionary authority to vote as instructed by
management of the Fund on questions of adjournment and on any other proposals
raised at the Meeting to the extent permitted by the SEC's proxy rules,
including proposals for which management of the Fund did not have timely
notice, as set forth in the SEC's proxy rules and the Fund's proxy statement
for the 2005 annual meeting.


   Shareholder Proposals.  The Fund anticipates that its 2007 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders will be held on or about February 23, 2007. A shareholder who
wishes to submit a proposal for consideration for inclusion in the Fund's proxy
statement for the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must send such written
proposal to the Fund's offices at 500 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 2100, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091, Attention: Secretary, so that it is received no
later than September 20, 2006 in order to be included in the Fund's proxy
statement and proxy card relating to that meeting and presented at the meeting.

   A shareholder of the Fund who has not submitted a written proposal for
inclusion in the Fund's proxy statement by September 20, 2006, as described
above, may nonetheless present a proposal at the Fund's 2007 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders if such shareholder notifies the Fund in writing at the Fund's
offices, of such proposal not earlier than September 26, 2006 and not later
than October 26, 2006. If a shareholder fails to give notice within these
dates, then the matter shall not be eligible for consideration at the
shareholders' meeting. If, notwithstanding the effect of the foregoing notice
provisions, a shareholder proposal is acted upon at the 2007 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, the persons designated as proxy holders for proxies solicited by
the Board for the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders may exercise
discretionary voting power with respect to any shareholder proposal not
received by the Fund at the Fund's offices by December 4, 2006. A shareholder
proposal may be presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders only if
such proposal concerns a matter that may be properly brought before the meeting
under applicable federal proxy rules and state law.

   In addition to the requirements set forth above, a shareholder must comply
with the following:

    1. A shareholder intending to present a proposal must (i) be entitled to
       vote at the meeting; (ii) comply with the notice procedures set forth in
       this proxy statement and in the Fund's By-Laws; and (iii) have been a
       shareholder of record at the time the shareholder's notice was received
       by the Secretary of the Fund.

    2. Each notice regarding nominations for the election of Trustees shall set
       forth (i) the name, age, business address and, if known, residence
       address of each nominee proposed in such notice; (ii) the principal
       occupation or employment of each such nominee; (iii) the number of
       outstanding shares of the Fund which are beneficially owned by each such
       nominee; and (iv) all such other information regarding each such nominee
       as would have been required to be included in a proxy statement filed
       pursuant to the proxy rules of the SEC had each such nominee been
       nominated by the Trustees of the Fund. In addition, the shareholder
       making such nomination shall promptly provide any other information
       reasonably requested by the Fund.

    3. Each notice regarding business proposals shall set forth as to each
       matter: (i) a brief description of the business desired to be brought
       before the meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the
       meeting; (ii) the name and address, as they appear on the Fund's books,
       of the shareholder proposing such business; (iii) the number of
       outstanding shares of the Fund which are beneficially owned by the
       shareholder; (iv) any material interest of the shareholder in such
       business; and (v) all such other information regarding each such matter
       that would have been required to be included in a proxy statement filed
       pursuant to the proxy rules of the SEC had each such matter been
       proposed by the Trustees of the Fund.

   Submission of a proposal by a shareholder does not guarantee that the
proposal will be included in the Fund's proxy statement or presented at the

                                          By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                          Robert C. Rosselot

January 18, 2006


                                                              TLGIM PROXY 01/06

                           TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND

The  undersigned  hereby  revokes all  previous  proxies for his/her  shares and
appoints  SHEILA M. BARRY,  ROBERT C.  ROSSELOT and LORI A. WEBER,  and each of
them,  proxies of the  undersigned  with full power of  substitution to vote all
shares of Templeton  Global  Income Fund (the "Fund") that the  undersigned  is
entitled to vote at the Fund's Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") to
be held at 500 East Broward Boulevard, 12th Floor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
33394 at 12 Noon Eastern time, on the 24th day of February, 2006, including any
postponements or adjournments thereof, upon the matters set forth below and
instructs  them to vote upon any matters  that may properly be acted upon at the

This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees. It will be voted as
specified. If no specification is made, this Proxy shall be voted FOR the
Proposal (including  all nominees for trustee). If any other matters properly
come before the Meeting to be voted on, the proxy holders will vote, act and
consent on those matters in accordance with the views of management.

                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

You can now access your TEMPLETON GLOBAL INCOME FUND account online.

Access your Fund account online via Investor ServiceDirect(R) (ISD).

Mellon Investor Services LLC, Transfer Agent for the Fund, now makes it easy
and convenient to get current information on your shareholder account.

o View account status                    o Make address changes
o View certificate history               o Obtain a duplicate 1099 tax form
o View book-entry information            o Establish/change your PIN
o View payment history for dividends

            Visit us on the web at
     For technical assistance call 1 877-978-7778 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
                          Monday-Friday, Eastern time

Investor ServiceDirect(R) is a registered trademark of Mellon Investor 
Services LLC

                                                 Please mark here if address
                                                 change or comment noted on
                                                 proxy                      [ ]

The Board of Trustees unanimously recommends a vote FOR the Proposal.


Proposal - Election of Trustees.

     FOR all nominees               WITHHOLD          Nominees: 01 Harris J. Ashton, 02 S. Joseph Fortunato,
    listed (except as              AUTHORITY          03 David W. Niemiec and 04 Larry D. Thompson
   marked to the right)         to vote for all       
                                nominees listed

         [ ]                         [ ]              TO WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO VOTE FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL NOMINEE,
                                                      WRITE THAT NOMINEE'S NAME ON THE LINE BELOW.


                                          [ ]      [ ] 

SIGNATURE(S):                                           DATED:           , 2006
             ------------------------------------------       -----------
Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy. If signing for estates,
trusts or corporations, title or capacity should be stated. If shares are held
jointly, each holder should sign.

                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

Your Internet or telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares
in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.

|------------------------------|    |--------------------|    |----------------|
|          Internet            |    |     Telephone      |    |      Mail      |
||    |   1-866-540-5760   |    |                |
|                              |    |                    |    |Mark, sign and  |
|Use the Internet to vote your | OR | Use any touch-tone | OR |date your proxy |
|proxy. Have your proxy card   |    | telephone to vote  |    |card and return |
|in hand when you access the   |    | your proxy. Have   |    |it in the       |
|web site, or vote your proxy  |    | your proxy card in |    |enclosed        |
|thru ISD at:                  |    | hand when you call.|    |postage-paid    |
||    |                         |envelope.       |
|isd                           |    |                    |    |                |
|------------------------------|    |--------------------|    |----------------|

                If you vote your proxy by Internet or telephone,
                  you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.