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Press Release, dated July 24, 2003, announcing first half 2003 sales as at June 30.

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Euronext: LG, NYSE: LR Paris, July 24, 2003
     Lafarge reports first half 2003 sales
Sales down 11.9% to € 6,350 million from € 7,203 million
Negative foreign exchange impact due to Euro appreciation: –10.9%
Slight increase of underlying sales: + 0.8%

Sales as at June 30, 2003 declined 11.9% to € 6,350 million from € 7,203 million at June 30, 2002 largely due to significant foreign currency variations which impacted sales by –10.9%. The net scope effect on sales amounted to –1.8% mainly as a consequence of the divestments realized in 2002. Underlying sales were up +0.8% at the end of June.

Sales in the first half of the year were generally slower in the Northern hemisphere compared to 2002, due to harsh weather conditions during the winter and despite an encouraging pick up in June 2003.

The sales report for each Division, excluding foreign exchange, scope effects, and before inter divisional sales elimination is as follows:

CEMENT: +0.9%

Sales rose 0.9% during the first half (–3.4% in Quarter 1 and +3.0% in Quarter 2).

After the harsh winter experienced in the first quarter and a slow start in April and May, there were some signs of a pick up in activity levels in June. Western Europe recorded stable sales overall by the end of June. Strong growth was seen in Spain, where the construction market continues to boom, and in Greece with record sales in the run up to the Olympic Games. France and the UK saw some recovery in June, but Germany remains poor as a result of the continued low level of prices. After the prolonged harsh winter the start to the North American construction season was delayed by a wet spring. Sales were therefore down in the first half. Pricing in the US showed a modest decline, particularly due to pricing pressure in the South East and North East. Pricing in Canada was however favorable.

Positive sales trends overall were recorded in the rest of the world. Particularly good market conditions allowed strong growth in Romania, Morocco, Jordan, and across Africa. Favorable pricing trends in much of Latin America, South Korea and also India helped offset generally slower volumes. Malaysia recorded some recovery in the second quarter despite continued price pressure. Areas of weakness remain the Philippines, with very low prices, Venezuela where the unstable economic situation has led to a large fall in volumes and Poland, which is still experiencing a depressed construction market.


Sales rose 1.9% during the first half (–0.6% in Quarter 1 and +3.3% in Quarter 2).

Sales rose in Western Europe driven by the UK and Spain. In the UK, the asphalt and paving business benefited from major contracts in progress and concrete sales also showed a good level of growth. Spain continues to have record sales. In France, sales at the end of June were marginally down despite positive pricing trends. In North America, aggregates and concrete sales in the US were held back by poor weather conditions and weak levels of demand. In Canada, where there is a stronger construction market, concrete sales recorded a strong level of sales growth; however, aggregate sales were adversely affected by poor weather conditions in the East and in Alberta.

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ROOFING: –1.7%

Sales declined by 1.7% during the first half (–3.2% in Quarter 1 and –0.6% in Quarter 2).

Sales in Western Europe were down, with the exception of the UK, Italy and Austria. Weaker sales continued in France, Germany, Scandinavia and the Benelux, particularly for concrete tiles. Sales of roofing components decreased slightly. Chimney sales improved marginally. In the United States, sales continued to grow.

GYPSUM: +1.8%

Sales rose 1.8% during the first half (+1.9% in Quarter 1 and +1.6% in Quarter 2).

The increase in sales was due to overall positive growth in Western Europe and Asia, which offset lower sales in Germany, Poland and North America. In North America, volumes were held back by lower commercial construction. Prices have edged up to an average of US$97 per thousand square feet in June.


The effect of foreign currency fluctuations on the first half 2003 sales was significant. The strong appreciation of the Euro has had a material translation impact on sales generated in the following currencies: US Dollar (€ 314 million), Pound Sterling (€ 68 million), Canadian Dollar (€ 60 million), Brazilian Real (€ 58 million), and the Malaysian Ringgit (€ 47 million).


Sales in the first half from acquisitions amounted to € 114 million. Divestments and a change in the consolidation method of Morocco resulted in a reduction in sales of € 224 million.


      June 30, 2003
€ Million
    June 30, 2002
€ Million
    Variation     At constant scope and foreign exchange     At constant scope and foreign exchange, before inter divisional sales elimination  

Cement     3,031     3,551     –14.6%     +0.2%     +0.9%  
Aggregates & Concrete     1,980     2,218     –10.7%     +2%     +1.9%  
Roofing     679     722     –6.0%     –1.7%     –1.7%  
Gypsum     593     604     –1.7%     +1.5%     +1.8%  
Others     67     108     –38%     +12.5%     +12.5%  
TOTAL     6,350     7,203     –11.9%     +0.8%     NA  

Lafarge is the world leader in building materials, and employs 77,000 people in 75 countries. The Group holds top-ranking positions in all four of its Divisions: Cement, Aggregates & Concrete, Roofing and Gypsum. Lafarge posted sales of €14.6 billion in 2002. More information is available on:

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Lafarge’s next financial publication – 2003 half year results – will be on September 4 2003 (before the Euronext stock market opens).

For release worldwide with contemporaneous release in the United States.

Véronique Doux : 33-1 44-34-19-47
James Palmer : 33-1 44-34-11-26
Stéphanie Tessier  33-1 53-96-83-79
Danièle Daouphars : 33-1 44-34-11-51


Statements made in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions (“Factors”) which are difficult to predict. Some of the Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the cyclical nature of the Company's business; national and regional economic conditions in the countries in which the Group does business; currency fluctuations; seasonal nature of the Company’s operations; levels of construction spending in major markets; supply/demand structure of the industry; competition from new or existing competitors; unfavorable weather conditions during peak construction periods; changes in and implementation of environmental and other governmental regulations; our ability to successfully identify, complete and efficiently integrate acquisitions; our ability to successfully penetrate new markets; and other Factors disclosed in the Company's Reference Document COB number R03-0375 and on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the USA. In general, the Company is subject to the risks and uncertainties of the construction industry and of doing business throughout the world. The forward-looking statements are made as of this date and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

2003: First Half Sales Conference Call
Following the release of Lafarge’s first half sales, a conference call will be held on:
July 24th, 2003 at 15:30 French time, in English
(14:30 UK time; 09:30AM EDT in North America)
The speakers will be:
Jean-Jacques Gauthier – Chief Financial Officer
James Palmer – Vice-President Investor Relations
Danièle Daouphars – Investor Relations

If you wish to participate in the conference call, please dial:
From France +33 (0) 1 70 99 32 98
From UK +44 208 515 23 03
From USA +1 303 205 00 33
From USA toll free +1 800 257 70 63
Conference call name: “Lafarge

A replay of the conference call will be available from July 24th until August 4th at the following numbers:
From France +33 (0) 170 99 32 95 Access code: 13995#
From UK +44 208 79724 99 Access code: 921065#
From USA toll free +1 800 405 2236 Access code: 546465#


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Consolidated Figures

(Millions of euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02  

By geographical zone of destination                    
      Western Europe           2,852     3,019     –6 %
      Central and Eastern Europe     291     262     11 %
      Emerging Mediterranean           251     333     –25 %
      North America                 1,601     1,999     –20 %
      Latin America & the Caribbean     297     403     –26 %
      Sub Saharan Africa/Indian Ocean/Others     429     449     –4 %
      Asia /Pacific                 629     738     –15 %
By business line                                
      Cement                 3,031     3,551     –15 %
      Aggregates & Concrete           1,980     2,218     –11 %
      Roofing                 679     722     –6 %
      Gypsum                 593     604     –2 %
      Others                 67     108     –38 %

      Total                 6,350     7,203     –12 %

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Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries)
(millions of tonnes)           2003S1     2002S1 (1)     03/02        

    Western Europe       15.2     16.5     –8 %      
    Central and Eastern Europe 3.6     3.0     20 %      
    Emerging Mediterranean       4.8     5.1     –6 %      
    North America             7.7     8.0     –4 %      
    Latin America & the Caribbean 3.0     3.4     –12 %      
    Sub Saharan Africa/ Indian Ocean 5.3     5.0     7 %      
    Asia/Pacific             11.3     10.6     7 %      

    Total             50.9     51.6     –1 %      


Sales after elimination of inter divisional sales by geographical zone of destination        
(Millions of euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02        

    Western Europe            1,049     1,160     –10 %      
    Central and Eastern Europe      171     151     13 %      
    Emerging Mediterranean            207     274     –24 %      
    North America                  587     756     –22 %      
    Latin America & the Caribbean      202     282     –28 %      
    Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others      363     395     –8 %      
    Asia/Pacific                  452     533     –15 %      

    Total consolidated sales       3,031     3,551     –15 %      


Sales before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin           Like  
(Millions of euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02     for like  

    Western Europe           1,175     1,276     –8 %      
    Central and Eastern Europe     179     156     15 %      
    Emerging Mediterranean           189     267     –29 %      
    North America                 661     839     –21 %      
    Latin America & the Caribbean     226     315     –28 %      
    Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others     420     431     –3 %      
    Asia/Pacific                 444     540     –18 %      

    Total before elimination of inter-divisional sales     3,294     3,824     –14 %   0.9 %
    Total consolidated sales     3,031     3,551     –15 %   0.2 %

(1) The 2002 figures were restated after reallocation of trading activities                    

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Aggregates & Concrete

Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidiaries)
Pure aggregates before elimination with asphalt & Paving                                
(millions of tonnes)               2003S1      2002S1     03/02        

    Western Europe                 37.2     36.1     3 %      
    North America                 45.9     47.5     –3 %      
    Other countries                 8.2     7.9     4 %      

    Total                 91.3     91.5     0 %      


(millions of cbm)                  2003S1      2002S1      03/02        

    Western Europe                   7.1     7.5     –6 %      
    North America                   4.7     4.9     –4 %      
    Other countries                   4.6     5.0     –8 %      

    Total                   16.4     17.4     –6 %      


Sales after elimination of inter divisional sales by geographical zone of destination    
(Millions of euros)               2003S1     2002S1     03/02        

    Aggregates & related products           834     917     –9 %      
    Ready-mix concrete & concrete products     1,146     1,301     –12 %      
    Total Aggregates & Concrete     1,980     2,218     –11 %      

    of which   Western Europe     920     930     –1 %      
          “        North America     834     1,020     –18 %      
          “        Other countries     226     268     –16 %      


Sales before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin                       Like  
(Millions of euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02     for like  

    Aggregates & related products           842     925     –9 %      
    Ready-mix concrete & concrete products     1,147     1,303     –12 %      
    Total Aggregates & Concrete (bef elim of intra-comp. sales)     1,989     2,228     –11 %      

    of which   Western Europe     926     937     –1 %      
          “        North America     836     1,023     –18 %      
          “        other countries     227     268     –15 %      

    Total Aggregates & Concrete (consolidated)     1,980     2,218     –11 %   2.0 %

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Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionally consolidated subsidiaries)
                        2003S1     2002S1

Concrete roof tiles (millions of sSm)                      
      Western Europe                 32.0     32.3     –1 %      
      North America                 9.3     8.9     4 %      
      other countries                 16.3     18.1     –10 %      
Clay roof tiles                                      
      Western Europe (millions of sSm) 11.1     11.1     0 %      
Chimneys (miiliers de kms) 1,269     1,278     –1 %      


Sales (after elimination of intra-divisional sales by origin)                       Like  
(Millions of Euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02     for Like  

      Total                 679     722     –6 %   –1.7

      of which concrete roof tiles Western Europe 245     254     4 %      
                       ” North America 50     59     15 %      
        Other countries 49     60     18 %      
      of which clay roof tiles                 121     121     0 %      
      of which chimneys (1)                 78     79     0 %      
      of which other roofing products           136     149     9 %      

(1) Including the “other roofing products“ of the Chimney business.                          

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Volumes of gypsum wallboard (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionally consolidated subsidiaries)              
(millions of sSm)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02        

Total                       307     284     8 %      


Sales (after elimination of intra-divisional sales by origin)                  Like  
(Millions of euros)                 2003S1     2002S1     03/02     for like  

    Total                593     604     –2 %   1.5 %

    of which Western Europe                354     336     8 %      
    of which North America                107     135     –21 %      
    of which other countries                132     133     –1 %      

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Sales variance analysis by region and in major domestic markets.*  

Volume effect
Price, product, customer & other mix effect
    Activity variation
vs 2002

Western Europe     2.2     –0.4     1.7  
  France     –3.5     4.1     0.5  
  UK     0.7     0.1     0.8  
  Spain     9.6     1.9     11.4  
  Germany     16.2     –35.9     –19.7  
  Greece     4.1     4     8.1  
Central Europe     –1.5     4.2     2.6  
  Poland     –12.5     –0.3     –12.8  
  Romania     0.6     19.6     20.2  
Mediterranean Basin     1.8     3.8     5.6  
  Turkey     –2     0.1     –1.9  
  Morocco     10.5     3.1     13.6  
  Jordan     –0.5     5.9     5.4  
  Egypt     1.5     –4.4     –2.8  
North America     –4.7     0.4     –4.3  
South America, Caraibs     –5.7     7.2     1.5  
  Brazil     –2.7     25.6     22.8  
  Venezuela     –36.3     27.9     –8.5  
  Chile     –1.4     9.3     8  
Africa, Indian ocean     –0.4     10.4     10.1  
  Kenya     3.1     5.3     8.4  
  Nigeria     –0.8     9.8     9  
  South Africa     –8.9     14     5.1  
Asia, Middle East     4.1     –4.3     –0.2  
  Malaysia     2.6     –6     –3.4  
  Philippines     8.2     –25.1     –16.8  
  India     –7.8     10.5     2.7  
  South Korea     0.1     7.1     7.2  
Total CEMENT     0.2     0.6     0.9  

  France     –2.9     1.7     –1.3  
  UK (Pure Aggregates) (1)     0.8     8.3     9.1  
  North America (Pure Aggregates)     –4.4     3.3     –1.1  
Total Aggregates     –1.4     3.3     1.8  

  France     –3.8     4.2     0.4  
  UK     6.4     6.9     13.3  
  North America     –2.4     2.4     0  
Total Readymix     –2     4.4     2.4  

(1) UK sales impacted by aggregates levy. Price effect without aggregates levy was 4%.  
* Variance on like for like sales before elimination of sales between Divisions

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Sales variance analysis by region and in major markets.*  

Volume effect
Price, product, customer & other mix effect
    Activity variation
vs 2002

Western Europe Concrete T&F     –2.8     –0.4     –3.1  
Western Europe Clay T&F     –0.8     –0.2     –1  
  UK           0        
       Concrete     4.4     3     7.4  
       Clay     –6.1     7.4     1.3  
       Concrete     –9.9     0.9     –9  
       Clay     –6.1     5     –1.1  
       Concrete     –6.9     –2.5     –9.4  
       Clay     7.6     –6.1     1.5  
United States (Concrete)     4     0.5     4.4  
Chimneys     –1.1     1.3     0.2  
Accessories           –1.7     –1.7  
TOTAL ROOFING                 –1.7  

Western Europe     –2.4     5.8     3.3  
North America     –6.4     0.6     –5.9  
Asia / Pacific     11.1     –0.8     10.3  
TOTAL GYPSUM     –0.6     2.1     1.5  

* Variance on like for like sales before elimination of sales between Divisions                    

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date July 24, 2003   Lafarge
  By: /s/ Jean-Pierre Cloiseau
  Name: Jean-Pierre Cloiseau
  Title: Senior Vice President, Finance

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